[Arc 12] Ch. 9 Huntress Agenda

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The carriage started moving and I pulled off my mask since it was not only soggy and gross, but also sandy and just all around not fun to wear right now. I waved my hand and placed a sound barrier on the cabin of the carriage.

"We clear?" Nerinin asked as she finished tugging the curtains over the windows.

"Until we get to the guild." I shrugged.

"Dammit, what have you done to yourself!" Nerinin said as she jumped towards me from the opposite seat. She placed a hand on my chest and began magically probing me through her touch giving me an examination. "What did you do after your magic was sealed?"

"A lot of stupid reckless things."

She knocked me on the head in response. She was not amused.

"I always knew you were something else, but you really do need constant supervision, don't you?" She said as she continued to place her hand on my chest like a doctor's stethoscope.

My newest dilemma(s) were the two hanging gardens in front of my face since Nerinin was just standing in the middle of the cabin and bending over me. Was I allowed to look?

Is rude to stare, or is more rude to look away. The wolf customs weren't really clear, even if she was a princess. I can't say I've ever been so appreciative of the bad suspension of these carriages and the bumpy roads though.

"OI." She grabbed my head and looked into my eyes. "You have demon eyes by now, right?"

"Yes," I answered wondering if I had been caught staring so hard that I activated my demon eyes. I watched her bite her lip as she looked from eye to eye and I could tell that she hadn't seen them but was looking for them.

"You probably have your reasons for not showing me, right?" She asked.

I just nodded my head. And sighed inwardly that this part of the conversation was about demon eyes and not the obvious ogling I had been doing a moment earlier.

She let go of my head and sat back down across from me. She rubbed her temples in frustration. "I don't know who needs more help. You or me. You, for being as mad as a Lich, or me, for loving you anyway."

"Just knowing you still love me after everything today is all the help I need to keep going forward." I said with a soft smile.

Nerinin's face turned completely red, then she kicked my shin playfully. "Saying cute things like that has always been your problem. Once you come back, Julie and I are going to have to fight off your suitors with an axe."

I laughed nervously.

She blushed even more and kicked me again. "Stop being so charming, for the love of Kasimir and his hounds, could you stop sparkling for ONE SECOND." Nerinin rolled her eyes and then sighed. "Okay fine, just like cap out at nine wives for now."

"Nine!" I clutched my heart. Nine girls, nine wives. Each one is probably going to want kids. Jesus help me, I'm going to need to find a job. A better job. How much money do I have? I'm going to need to buy a house... a big house. Then there was Cheshire and his clan...

...I'm going to need to buy an entire estate.

Nerinin's giggle woke me from my terrified stupor. "Take it easy hot shot." She crossed the cabin to sit next to me. She took my hand. "You're going to be able to rely on us too. This isn't a one-sided relationship."

"But why nine?" I swallowed while calming down.

"One for each tail you're going to get." She snuggled next to me. "But knowing you, you'll probably end up with more than that." She teased. "But that doesn't give you permission to get a new girl for every extra tail you get."

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