[Arc 12] Ch. 5 Maturing Sorcerer

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"I wouldn't. I put a diluted dye in them so that anyone who binged too much at once would get a glowing green nose for twenty-four hours." Jekyll swatted at Flint's hand.

"Oh, I'll pay double if it shrinks breast size. I'll send a batch to my mother for all the trouble she gave me." Flint beamed.

I glared at Dova. She knew better then to show up here. Just coming to the same port was asking for trouble. If the Grand Magus or any of the professors saw us...

She shrugged at me. she gave me a look that very clearly said: You try to control Flint.

"Well since your table is next to ours why don't we scoot them together and have a party!" Flint suggested.

"Fine, but my condition is that we are here on vacation. I want it on the record that I have forbid any talk about sorcery or the Audacitor's Codex." I consented. Flint would find a way to talk his way into doing it anyway and I was too tired to argue.

However, I wasn't too tired to notice Dova. As often as I had told myself that I was through chasing her, I couldn't deny that she looked incredibly pretty. Once again, she was outside of her stuffy work clothes and was in a proper dress for the weather. It was one that complimented her long legs and even showed off her white feather tail. It was one-piece light pink sundress with a white sheer blouse that did more to draw my poor will power than cover her bare arms from the top of her sleeves.

I always knew she was cute, but dressed up, she was completely devastating my senses. Even Flint caught on and when he pushed our tables together again, he placed Dova next to me while he tried to talk Jekyll into selling him various prank-like antidotes.

Oh gods, she even smells amazing.

Here I am smelling and looking like I've been working all day, because I have. And she's showed up like she's just walked out of a boutique. By Julie's subtle wink from across the table I knew that she had played no small part in Dova's make-over.

"Y-you were working on the pavilion. How was it?" Dova asked.

"It was hot." Was all that I could reply. Seriously! I can't even properly look at her! I'm a mess and who is to say how my breath smells.

"Ha ha." Dova laughed nervously. Luckily the energy of the place was enough to cover her awkwardness while she peaked at the menu so I did the same.

Come to think of it, did we ever talk about anything besides work? Was I just so disillusioned by my infatuation of her that I didn't notice that we had nothing in common. That we had no chemistry outside of my one-sided pursuit of trying to impress her. Normally, I'd brag about the sorcery class being a focal point of the pavilions construction. How I had chatted casually with Sargent Lestrade of the Magic knights. I'd boast about everything I'd done and even show my gratitude for Hyde for helping us get recognized.

All for the slightest approval from her. She inquire a little bit but the conversation would always transition to her work. No matter what I had to say. Not that I was that exciting, but every little bit of recognition from her seemed to make it worth it.

Now I had a different purpose.

I looked at my class.

I smiled a little as Talisa, the dragon girl, shouted at Flint in broken common-tongue to stop bothering Jekyll out of jealousy even though Jekyll seemed to be getting along just fine with the boisterous Flint. It was just that Jekyll was the quiet studious type while Flint seemed to irreverently excel at everything. Meanwhile Liz simply laughed while trying to explain it was fine while patting the pouting dragon on the head.

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