[Arc 2] Ch.4 Llewelyn Family

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Nerys Llewelyn

Beginning of the School Year (Placement Tournament after Entrance Exam)

"For the last time Arthvael, you cannot enter the tournament. Your tuition is already covered, now come on, I want to see what kinds of magic people are fighting with and if anyone has the stones to use blood magic like me." I drag my pouting younger brother along.

"Why do I have to be Arthvael? That's such an old man's name. Why can't I have a name like Macsen's?" Arthvael complained as he messed with his hair. I had used a spell to grow out his golden hair to be shaggy hanging just below his ears and dyed it black with a little blood magic. I also used every bone in my impressive arsenal of fashion know-how to fix the tragedy of his last disguise. Now he had a theme and had the look of a dark-haired edgy loner. If only he'd shut up long enough for the broody part of the disguise.

"Quit whining, ArthVAEL," Macsen sighed. "At least she didn't try to call you Merlin."

"What's wrong with Merlin?" Arthvael asked.

Macsen sighed and I could feel his heavy eye roll even though I couldn't see it. "Alright, look we didn't actually write Arthvael on your paperwork. It's actually Gareth, so just shut up. it's part of your new image so stop being so earnest." Mascen was a handsome boy who looked just like Arthvael. He sort of stumbled into our lives a year ago and changed everything. He fixed my relationship with Arthvael. I never imagined it was possible since I hated him so much for so long. Now I can see my father for the psycho path that he is. He murdered both our mothers and went after my brother, now we are the only family that we have left.

Gareth -previously known as Arthvael- sighed in relief.

"Thanks for ruining my fun, Macsen." I pouted. I was having so much fun teasing my younger brother until now too. But I owe him too much to hold it against him... too much.

Together we file through the hallways into the stadium full of cheering people. I am excited. I've heard rumors of strong individuals and I'm excited to see some of those people fight. Magic has been so streamlined and stifled in our little section of Tyr Brenin that when you branch out like I did, you have to virtually hide everything you do.

There was a lot of excitement and build up to the event that I virtually ignored as I internally rushed the announcements to get onto the fighting. Something about knight rankings, tuitions, magic schooling, But something he said caught my attention. Something about a whole new style of magic was being introduced this year and the progenitor of the new mage class would be giving a presentation on it that offered a free tuition opportunity.

Tomorrow just after lunch he'd be in some lecture hall and I made a note and leaned over to 'Gareth' and Macsen. "We're going to that."

"But I thought I was here to be a magic knight?" Garth remarked.

I 'gently' grabbed Gareth's shirt with one hand and pulled him close to me with my most dangerous smile. "We are going to the presentation."

"Yes ma'am." Gareth squeaked.

I let go and turned my attention back to the tournament as the contestant entered and I was already intrigued by the first person that showed their face... or didn't.

She was a tanned catgirl with white fur. She had a patchwork jacket with the hood over her face. What intrigued me was that her hood was magically enchanted to displace the shadows over her face, concealing it from mundane sight. I've heard of Demon Eyes that might be able to pierce the veil over her face, but I haven't figured out how to meet a spirit to get any. So for now I could only look on in wonder. The hooded girl named Rico stretched in the center of the outlined arena next to a person in Magus robes. He was the Referee, a mild aged Magus named Watsome... I wasn't really paying attention, but it was something like that. He made sure no one killed each other.

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