[Arc 4] Ch.2 Rankers Challenged!

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I'm back. I feel so much better and I've got some things straightened out, but I'm more than enough to be happy with the results. I'm going to move back to my originally planned update schedule and post Monday/Wednesday/Friday for Foxtails, and Sunday for Pearly Kingdom. With this schedule I should be able to continue giving you all content on a regular basis without overworking myself. I'm also going to start cutting chapter length down. This was always planned, I've been posting upwards of 2000 word chapters and I'm going to start cutting it back and aiming for under 1500 words in order to keep the flow and not go insane with stress. 

But even though there are going to be shorter chapters, this is the point in the story where all the puzzle pieces start coming together and a picture begins to form. Slowly but surely the action picks up. Rankers vs sovereigns, nobles vs commons, sorcerers vs mages, Everyday school life vs underground wars, love vs hate, Archangels vs Nightclaw, Truths vs Secrets. And the Phantom prince just happens to be entangled in all of it. Which means, from now on Sebas will be playing bigger roles as the story begins to refocus on his side of things. But that doesn't mean life is any easier for the Phantom Prince as every action he takes rebounds and ripples. 

And for every 'friend' there is an 'enemy'.

I hope you continue to enjoy Facades and Fables of the Phantom Prince. 

And may the winds of fortune ever fill your sails.  

-The Captain



The training area is filled with many students trading blows, chatting, gathering in groups with older students like ex-adventurers, there were even several circles with people fighting inside of them. We passed the time with stretches and warm ups while we waited for Nerys's brothers.

While waiting we are approached by several boys.

"Hey ladies, how about some sparing partners. We can give you some pointers." Says the first one who seems the most confident. I recognize him as the long blonde-haired lady-killer . He's a wind magic prodigy and is able to use chantless wind magic and fly with little effort. He is a Ranker, one of the top Ranked Knights of our class year. Out of the top ten he is ranked third behind Lancelot and Gawain.

Standing on either side of him were other rankers. Hade Shevias a thin mage who had lithe muscles. He originally failed the entrance exam three years ago but crawled his way to the top of the Placement Tournament to give students a second chance. He didn't have many spells, but his cleverness pulled him through. He was a head taller than Daskis and a few levels less cocky.

On the other side of Daskis was Jakis Finn, a muscle-bound brute with a confident grin. His bicep was almost as thick as my head and he could swing around his great sword with one arm. Despite his looks he was a master of body strengthening. Although he wasn't a genius or prodigy, he also wasn't an idiot. Aiming to be a Templar, he was best versed in religious texts. The templar class utilized Magical dampening techniques as an anti-mage class.

Beside him was Malcom D'van another Ranker who was the very definition of Magic Knight. He was able to use any kind of magic and a master swordsman he was well-rounded and his stylize blue hair and handsome chiseled features made him the conversation piece of many fangirl sessions. His only weakness was that he was too well rounded and anyone who specialized had a leg up on him.

On the other side of Hade was a new student like me, , along with the standard sword on his waist he sported a bow and a quiver of Ethereal training arrows. The training arrows functioned like normal arrows and spawned inside the quiver, they were made to paralyze superficial non-vital muscles allowing archers to spar with melee fighters.

Foxtails and Fairytales: Facades and Fables of the Phantom PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora