[Arc 13] Ch. 2 Lady Ulster

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"Introducing Lady Francine Ulster." The knight let in a slight girl with red hair and blue eyes wearing a black dress trademarked as the formal wear of a knighted lady.

"I'm going to get you for this Vance." I whispered so that only Vance would hear me.

"I look forward to your happy marriage." he whispered back. Then he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. "This is Lady Ulster," Vance welcomed her into the room.

I have to give her some credit for not cowering or looking nervous in front of Vance and I. Vance may be the prime example of classic princely beauty. But with dark hair and honey colored eyes, not to mention my poorly hidden grimace, I've been told I carve a more imposing picture.

"Lady Ulster is the mind behind the victories of Winston pass, Winder gorge, the Lancet Planes and several other smaller encounters all ending in decisive victories for us. Her contributions are equal to your own Marquis Elkwood. But because she is a woman, her accomplishments are being downplayed, she herself is being suppressed in the courts, and her family is being pressured to marry her off to either a nobody in the country or as a concubine for a higher ranked noble. Since she's come back from the war, she's faced no less than four assassination attempts and narrowly avoided the last one." Vance said.

I stood up to follow proper etiquette when introducing myself. "Marquis Elkwood." I turned back to Vance, "We've met, are we done here?"

"Marquis Elkwood it is an honor to make your acquaintance. I understand your apprehension, but will you at least hear us out?" the Lady curtsied, and I knew I was falling into their trap I just couldn't see a way out of it.

"No. I don't want to hear it." I said rather curtly.

"May I inquire if I don't not suit your tastes." she asked rather shyly.

"You're pretty and clever, you come from a good house, and have connections to the next king. You are the very picture of unappealing." I expressed.

"You would prefer a dull and ugly commoner?" Vance chuckled.

"My life would be far simpler if that were the case." I said. "Excuse me." I tried escaping.

When I tried to walk past her, she had the audacity to grab my sleeve. Then she spoke with the first real emotion I'd heard from her.

"Please..." She pleaded and I could hear the same desperation in her voice as the many slaves I've saved.

She put me in a bad spot of being a hypocrite if I turned a blind eye toward her now.

Even so...

...I shirked her grasp and continued to walk past her.

"Norman," I bark at my butler.

"Yes, my lord." the clean looking older man saluted with his hand over his heart.

"The tea is cold. Prepare something sweeter with three cups. Also it appears as if our guests may be spending the night, prepare accordingly." I ground my teeth. "Daukson." I said to my personal guard standing outside. He was wearing the uniform of the Elkwood Rangers which was a short green cape with grey and gold horns on the hood. It was a unifying symbol to hide the ears and tails of the demi-humans and humans alike. They were not slaves, ex-slaves, humans, nobles, or anything else other than Elkwood Rangers under me, the marquis of Elkwood.

"Yes, milord." Daukson, the hooded Elkwood ranger answered. He was half elf and half wolf and by far my most loyal personal knight.

"I need you to come protect my guests."

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