[Arc 2] Ch. 1 Sorcerer's Sword

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"Frankly, I'm disturbed by what I'm seeing." Another Magus member stated.

"Do you really expect us to believe any of this, Professor Turner?" Another Magus asked.

"If I'm being honest, I expect you to despise me and everything I stand for, since Sorcery spits in the face of everything magic has been up to this point. I am going to call the cube an asinine idea, the spirits were the first to pervert the ways magic has been used and their unpolished methods , Blood magic safer than spirit magic, chantless magic is easier than you make it out to be, development of ley line magic is the next revolution of the magical world in terms of technology and warfare, and that beast strengthening is an unperverted form of primal life magic." Vlad swallowed. "I also bring to the table a list of identified magics that does more than sweep anything that doesn't fit the traditional four elements into dark magic. And to top it all off I fully intend to teach Sorcery, whether it is at this university or not."

Holy feathers. Vlad! What are you doing! I expected the Magus's to start screaming. What ended up happening was that every single one of them closed their paperwork. The only one who didn't look supremely disappointed or offended was the Grand Magus who scrutinized over the first page.

"Magus Turner." One of the Magus said calmly. "Not only do I fail to see what this has to do with the present trial, but I can't decide whether I am more disappointed in you for pulling this kind of stunt or offended that you have the audacity to waste my time with some that is so clearly blasphemous. I am speechless and have half a mind to dismiss you from the Magus Archana right now for making a mockery of this case in front of the Grand Magus."

"I agree," another added. "Magus Turner I am disappointed in you. This "Audacitor's Codex" is an essay submitted for review and has only recently been formally accepted for continued research, not as an academic paper. We are very aware of your unrequited affections for Miss Perchwell, and I wonder how much work you put into this for the misguided attempt to impress a girl. I fail to see how this has any implication on the trial we have been called here for."

"I believe in love as much as the next woman," another magus began. "I also believe this is not the place to show off for your adolescent crush. I do not have the time for childish antics, nor insulting propositions to taint our students with this knowledge. I move to have you fired and removed from the Magus Archana and this notion of Sorcery to be thrown away for the childish tantrum it obviously is."

My eyes bulged. 



I looked at Vlad in a new light. Not only did he stop shaking as the entire table denounced him and moved to dismiss him, his attention never left the Grand Magus as she turned the page and read the second page of the document. Something about standing against the verbal assault was so manly. But the idea that my friend was in love with me shook me to my core. I never thought of romance, sure I was very aware of attractive men like Sunny, but I was always too shy or awkward to interact with them. But Vlad was never attractive or unattractive... he was just Vlad.

He was the friend that made me laugh even when I didn't want to. I could always rely on him. He was the only other person that was as awkward as me and that could share in my awkwardness. I felt a sense of kinship with him but now... Seeing him standing there facing down his older more experienced peers made him seem so much taller and far away.

He was far from the awkward friend I had come to know. Something between the bags under his eyes, the squared shoulders, anticipating gaze, and stoic expression made my chest tighten. My face heated up, but I couldn't stop looking at him. Weakness, the strength, and the open defiance changed something about him. Did he really love me?

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