[Arc 13] Ch.5 Princely Plots

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"Greetings class, this is Prince Vance Gildeshire and his escorts Marquis Benedict Elkwood and Lady Francine Ulster." Professor Turner announced at the beginning of the next class. "Prince Gildeshire is going to be sponsoring our class for a trip down to the Ardentwae Kingdom. Due to the Elkwood maquis having a surplus of cross quartz on his land he is going to let us use as much of it as we can carry on a few conditions we will talk about in a little while. Prince Vance would you like to say a few words before we get started with class?"

A cold shiver ran down my spine.

Prince Vance had the smile of a salesman... A very successful salesman.

I know that his smile isn't false bravado either, he had weaseled a favor out of me when I was a budding adventurer. Something ominous told me that he was planning on cashing it in.


Two days later, I sat in the Adventurer's guild private meeting room dressed as Alpha with Actor dressed as his adventurer disguise Delta. Where my mask had a canine teeth design his had an oriental Oni teeth design reminiscent of the old samurai masks.

"You changed your hair... Your highness." Prince Vance smiled knowingly while he crossed his legs comfortably even though it was just the three of us.

I pulled off my mask and smiled at him with the Glasgow smile scars.

Vance flinched and waved his and at me while cringing. "No. no. you don't need that face."

I could see him gagging and was satisfied enough to put the mask back on. "How can I help you, Prince Vance?"

"You know when I found you washed up on that beach and healed you so that you could scurry off home. Well, I want to cash in that favor." he said.

"Now really isn't a good time." I sighed.

"There may not be a later if it isn't now." Vance said ominously. "My brothers are beginning their moves with the succession being in question after the war. The power balances are broken, and I don't have the time left to idle around waiting for you anymore."

"Damn. is that why you've recruited the sorcery class?"

"Mostly, just Turner. I need to develop the Armory in Elkwood to generate money to support an army for when a civil war breaks out." Vance shook his head.

"I'm getting more uneasy about this favor you want from me." I said tentatively.

"Don't worry. I don't want you to fight in an army, and if I can help it, I'd like for the sorcery class to return to Hearthroam before the fighting breaks out. I just need you to destroy a couple of key locations. A mine, a Casino, and a factory. And I want you to pin it on the Nightclaw." he said.

"That, I think I can do." I nodded. I just happened to have a captured member of the Nightclaw in my custody. He would be a big help. Plus, the fact that I've been dancing with the Nightclaw for years.

"If possible, I'd also like you to keep the sorcery class safe in the meantime, not that I don't trust the Elkwood rangers. But you can never be too reckless since there is word of actual Nightclaw activities in the area and you are the best Nightclaw hunter I know."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Flattery will get you nowhere, I already owe you a favor."

"So you will do it?" the prince said confidently.

"Of course, I'll do it. It shouldn't be too hard." I sighed hoping that I wasn't tripping some kind of flag by saying so.


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