[Arc 2] Ch.5 Sorcerer's Presentation

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Macsen was good at that, he knew how to speak to Gareth and bring out the kingly nature that was a part of his soul. "Lancelot is using her head. Look at how she is wearing down the wolf girl. She's conserving her true strength while Nerinin does her flips. Those are monster fighting techniques and use a lot of energy to deal a lot of damage quickly to large foes. She's altered it make it more suitable for fighting people, but Lancelot is a bad match up for her since her battle instincts are on par and her defense is too strong. There is a lot of power behind those swings so instead of taking the full force of the attack, Lancelot parries everything in order to take as little damage as possible." Macsen continued to lecture Gareth who paid close attention to the lesson.

Just as Macsen predicted, Lancelot wore Nerinin down and when she was vulnerable Lancelot began her assault with a burst of speed and precision. She backed Nerinin into a corner and overwhelmed her until she disarmed Nerinin and knocked her out with the edge of her shield.

In an upset that caused the crowd to go wild, the newcomer Lancelot dethroned the untouchable Nerinin. The second upset was due to a goat girl named Annie defeated some ungodly powerful summoner named Jules Alz'bluecoast. Annie had an even more impenetrable defense and was able to defend against everything the cute cat girl Jules threw at her. She finally charged her with her shield and that was it for the magically spent catgirl.

Tiera Ti'en faced off against a creature I had never seen before. A Dragon. With horns sprouting out of her green hair, green wings and a tail. The dragon girl Talisa also overwhelmed Tiera. And just like that three of the top students from the last year were knocked out of the top ten. I came to watch magic but what I got was even better. And just when I thought I'd seen all I could a half-dragon half-fox girl named Emma Ti'en appeared and used druid magic to overwhelm that Rico girl.

Druid magic, knights, dragons, summoners, mage slayers, demi-humans, and Sorcerers. I don't know about my brother but for me this was like stepping into a fairytale. Magic was everywhere! Maybe I didn't have to hide who and what I was anymore.


After the excitement of the placement tournament I was greeted with the worst news I could imagine. Blood magic at the school was also taboo.

I also learned there was a strong movement against the Sorcerers. I thought this was going to be different. I even heard rumors that the Sorcerers were going to get kicked out of school after a year. I couldn't ask my brother to take that kind of risk.

At lunch the day after the placement tournament I picked at my food as I used my silver hair as a curtain to hide behind. We decided to try out the cafeteria on campus today and we are surrounded by other students at long tables in rows inside a large building.

"Alright, Nerys..." Macsen said calling me by my alias. "... You've been mopey all day. What is the matter?"

"It's part of my character." I pouted.

"But you were so excited to go to the sorcerer presentation, it's about to start." Gareth prompts from next to me.

"It's not like it matters anymore, this place is no different than back home." I press my large unnecessary glasses up on my nose.

"I don't get girls." Gareth sighed. "Are we going or not?"

"Of course, we are going." Macsen said before I could answer. "I'm curious about what this sorcery business is all about." He said as he stood up.

"You can go on without me." I say and then I feel an arm around my stomach and I've been thrown over Macsen's shoulder.

"Were you always this pouty? Some things just never change." Macsen sighed as he carried me away.

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