[Arc 8] Ch. 7 Banshee's Hounds

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The Banshee of Baskerville wasn't as 'pretty' as the Lady in White Samite, nor was it as famous as the Golden Merchant. But the Title Banshee of Baskerville is one I had unknowningly built up for myself. Since Tiera was a creator, she needed a supporter so that she was able to do what she wanted. As the oldest daughter of the Golden Merchant I had a little pull in certain circles, but my special talent was to be charming. I used my charm and connections to make more connections. Through my mothers' I established my own network of resources and I was able to do it effectively since they were at each other's throats and saw each other as competition.

I took a page out of Sebas' book to learn and use both of them and their connections and found many ready and willing to use the 'advantageous' services I offered as I connected two worlds that would never have met otherwise. It was fun, I saw a need and filled a need. There was an assassin that liked to do math, so I put him in a textile store as an accountant. That assassin was not only able to gain information on certain targets easier, but the business thrived because of his money management skills.

I found a bored doctor who was down on her luck with her clinic, I gave her a few suppliers willing to pay for poisons. With the resources and payment from them she had access to both the resources to treat her patients effectively, and only at the price of a few untraceable custom-made poisons or hallucinogens.

I had fun doing it too. Originally, I was just securing supply lines for my little sister's projects and then business. But soon I did it for the simple pleasure making connections. I set up an office on a street called Baskerville so that my people could contact me without going through my migraine-inducing-mothers who were happy to ignore my side ventures since it increased their holdings in turn. Then my sister received some pushback from a noble family who thought it was uncultured for a princess to be a seamstress. That infuriated me since I knew there was so much more to it.

Tiera was finally enjoying something and to have someone not only talk down to her but also attempt to obstruct her sent me into a frenzy and I cursed them. I screamed something to the effect of "Damn the house of so-and-so". A month later they widely fell from favor and they lost everything. They showed up at my door on that street and asked me to 'call off the Hounds'.

With minimal investigation I found out the "Banshee's Hounds" was an adventuring party that were fans of my sister and happened to be walking by when I cursed the name of that family. They took vengeance into their own hands and used my name and connections to ruin that family. So I contacted that party and offered them a formal position.

The Frankenstein twins have been in my employ ever since, and because I held their leash, I became The Banshee of Baskerville. I had learned the reach of my influence and I used it. That family became a cautionary tale, and nobody messed with the Banshee of Baskerville when "she" blacklisted or endorsed someone. I created something I called a 'favorable debt' with many people that I built up into prosperity. I put many people in places they wished to find themselves, and anyone who forgot that debt fell from grace.

I can't say I did it alone. I simply learned as much as I could from people, introduced them to each other, and supported Tiera. She had much to say in the way of her own business and offered me council whenever I asked for it. She's truly brilliant and only needed the resources to command and a little support to become the success that she obtained to this day.

But sometimes I got out-of-nowhere advice that surely came from a more worldly perspective... Sebas.


"We're just going up to the front door?" Satiri asked as the twins followed behind.

The uniforms the twins spoke of were stylish fitted suits pumped full of powerful enchantments curtesy of my sister. They had hoods that covered their heads with fur that surrounded their faces but didn't necessarily obscure them. That was down by the unique mask that covered the bottom of their faces. Victor's had a cobbled smile stitched together for the creeps while Victoria's looked like a dog's muzzle baring its teeth in a threatening grin.

"Why not, I find the direct approach works best with the most reasonable of people." I explained casually as I stormed the enemy villa.

"But they're not reasonable. What if something happens to you?" she pleaded for me to let her handle things.

"Exactly. I told you that I would prove to you my feelings. I'm not about to back down after coming this far." I gave her a kiss on the cheek that did little to cure her anxiety. But it made me feel better as the cold breeze from the ocean began to wash away the comfortable summer temperature as the sun faded from sight.

"It's about time you showed up, do you know what time it is?" the noble boy growled at Satiri. To her credit she didn't cower although I felt her squeeze my hand slightly. "Who are these people? More pirates? You bloody commoners are alike, feeding like parasites from the nobles. But I suppose she's not bad to look at, for a beast girl." He sneered. You know he may be handsome if it weren't for his... well everything else.

"We are here to pick up Satiri's belonging, she'll no longer be associating with you. Please kindly return them and we'll be on our way." I asked politely, resisting the urge to cut the tricks from his wee little pouch.

"No one gave you permission to speak, mutt. This bitch is mine, if you are here to stir up trouble you should leave before you bite off more than you can chew." He sneered.

"Ara ara, what a sad little man." I put my hand on my cheek and pouted a little for show. "You thought this was a request you could refuse."

He nostrils began to flair, "Bitch! Do you know who I am? How dare you speak to me like that. Return my property this instant and I may overlook this indiscretion."

"Oh dear, this will not do. This will not do at all. Do you think he misheard me? Or maybe he isn't educated with any kind of manners. It seems we are at an impasse. We simply desire my companion's belongings." I spoke to him without speaking to him which only outraged him more.

"It's you who needs to clean out your beast ears. Besides I threw out all her raggedy peasant clothes. I've prepared a new wardrobe for her. She should be bloody grateful I spent any money on her at all." He snapped his fingers and we were surrounded by guards and magic knights.

He smiled while thinking he was intimidating us.

"You did what, you limp brained soaked toad!" Satiri roared.

"How dare you speak to me that way, and in public no less. Know your place!" he walked forward and moved to slap Satiri, MY girlfriend. I could see that she wasn't about to take it, but this was my fight.

In one fluid motion I caught his hand in the air and spun him around so that his back was facing me, locking his wrist in the small of his back then I pushed him forward and planted my heel firmly in his ass.

"Ara ara, you shouldn't have done that. You just crossed the line." I declared.

"You filthy Mutt!" He stumbled to his feet after falling on the ground. "Guards, kill them all!"

"You heard him, hounds. Sic 'em." I said calmly and I instantly felt the potent summoning magic erupt behind me. 

Foxtails and Fairytales: Facades and Fables of the Phantom PrinceOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara