[Arc 12] Ch. 4 The Festivities

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What followed was an ear-shattering event filled with happy squeals. Congratulations and questions were mixed together until we explained.

We told them the same story we told everyone at the café. That we used to be companions and reconnected by chance. They had mixed expressions when we mentioned the Winterhall boy. It seemed they had heard similar rumors, but the magic knights arrested him for drunkenly approaching one of his exes and causing a commotion.

It took me a second to realize that they weren't really treating me any differently for my appearance and I just had to accept that maybe I should have just associated with better people. Maybe I just needed a change of scenery, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it didn't matter.

But with the evening came dusk and I parted ways with them since I had an appointment to keep.

"Bye boyfriend." Lilith declared more than she was actually saying goodbye. She kissed me and I was off.


"You've been a busy boy." Liz giggled.

I had returned to the adventurer's guild through the back and switched my disguises into Jekyll. I took the potion that would change my smell to Jekyll's and told Liz about everything that had happened as quickly as I was able to.

The room was for private meetings in case one of the guild attendants needed to talk to an adventurer about a more sensitive topic. She was casually leaning against the door keeping an ear out for anyone who may stumble by.

"You're telling me." I answer as I adjust the glasses on my face.

"So how do you feel?" Liz probed.

"Much better. I should really listen to you more often." I chuckled and stored any excess items with magic.

"Yes, you should." She tossed me a bag that had some props in it. Well, I call them props but they are proper herbs and medical supplies. "I'll go info Actor to buzz off and we can be on our way."

"Thanks." I said but she didn't move.

After a moment of awkward silence, she leaned forward with her cheek angled at me. "...and?" she prompted.

I rolled my eyes and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

These girls. Each one of them threw me through a different loop.



"And done." I said as I cast a spell on one of the three pavilions that had been made.

The roar of cheers lifted my spirits. As I tied the knot on the red ribbon around the centermost pillar holding up the roof. From the top of the ladder I looked down at all the people that had helped build this thing and how excited they were to see it finished.

It was a simple ceremony to show that work had been completed. A person would cast a spell, bless, enchant, whatever on the building and tie a ribbon. Thanks to Hyde's publicity stunt, the Magic Knights needed to make a show that they recognized the Sorcerer as an official class. Since the knights were in charge of one of the three pavilions, they needed to choose a representative and so they approached me. They even provided me a red ribbon for the Sorcerer's color.

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