[Arc 8] Ch. 4 Fake? Girlfriend!

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[In the interest of those who aren't yuri fans (And those that are) here are a few chapters to either skip or linger on depending on your chosen flavor. All since the next chapter is a huge bit of fan service. Both for those into this couple and those waiting for a Sebas inclusive Chapter. Enjoy.]


"Oh stars, what a night. How much did I drink?" Satiri shifted around on top of me waking me up.

I opened my eyes to see a bronzed skinned beauty's naked body. She was gloriously perched on my hips and rubbing her head. Inari's pits how did she still look so beautiful? I pressed my tails against my chest to cover my bare form with one arm and covered my face while looking away with my other forearm.

"G-good morning." I stuttered awkwardly. Don't judge me, I have no idea what to do in a situation like this.

"*Yawn* Gooood mOOrrNing!" Satiri screamed when she looked down at my mortified figure. "P-p-p-princess!" Her face lost all color. "Oh no... what have I-" she raised her hips and looked down at my crotch.

"What are you staring at!" I shouted, unable to hide my embarrassment and squirmed nervously.

"I didn't...?" she swallowed. "D-defile-"

"No, we didn't even finish!"

"Oh good, I something get rough." She sighed in relief. "...wait... do you sound disappointed?"

"Hnnnngh, shut up." I covered my face with my hands and turned on my side.

"Wow... princess I didn't think you were into girls." Satiri absentmindedly stated... still hovering over me which just made things even more awkward.

"I'm not into girls, I'm into you! ..." I said angrily and then caught my slip of a confession. "... oh pits, just kill me now~" I whined.

"I thought you hated me... so all those times you were glaring at me... you were ogling me?"

"Don't say ogling... please. I couldn't figure out how to talk to you." tears began to flow, I'm just so embarrassed.

"So all those times... you were trying to flirt with me?"

"Please... my heart can't take anymore... you're the first girlfriend I've ever had. I'm not good at this."

"... hold on... girlfriend? Did I miss-"

"Last night, the hostess walked in on us after you made out with me, when you threw up over everything. She assumed we were... because your top was... had come up... I told her I'd pay for the damages and she washed us and pulled out the big futon for us. She thinks we... last night. CAN you get off of me and cover up!" I shouted since I was unable to think with her nakedly straddling my hip.

"Oh Stars, sink my ship. I... I've had wild nights before..." she rolled off of me and I quickly pulled the covers up over me. "I can't believe I threw up on a princess! Oh decks and timbers, I'm never drinking again..."

I peeked out of the covers and saw that Satiri had lost all color as she sat in a ball next to the bed.

"It wasn't that bad..." I said trying to comfort her.

"I blew chunks on a princess, you don't come back from something like that. If Flint finds out, he'll hold it over my head for the rest of my life. I'm sooo sorry." She weakly apologized.

"It wasn't all your fault, that bastard who broke up with you was a grade 'A' Asshole." I sat up and wrapped the robe back around myself.

"I loved him, I'm so stupid. And I left all my stuff at his house." Satiri began to quietly sob. "It turns out that he just used me. This always happens. Why do I keep falling for losers? And then I drunkenly violated a princess! I'm so fucked."

I pulled the blanket over and wrapped my tails around her when sat next to her and then wrapped the blanket around us both. "It's going to be okay."

"It's not going to be okay, stop being so nice to me, I'm so worthless. Love sucks, my life sucks, this vacation sucks. Just toss me into the sea." She sobbed but she didn't shy away from me.

I couldn't help but relate. I'd had the same break down last night. But something has changed. I wanted to protect her, and I think I can. Maybe I can't do anything for Sebas, but Satiri needs someone right now. I'd like to be that someone. No, I'd really like to be that someone.

"You have me now. I'll take care of it." I comforted her.

She laughed humorlessly as she leaned her head on my shoulder. "Ha... my fake girlfriend. I appreciate the sentiment though."

"It..." I swallowed. "... it doesn't have to be fake."

"You can cut the act, princess. I already know a commoner has no place next to a-"

"I love you." I cut her off with my confession. I couldn't help it. She was so fragile and charmingly cute I couldn't help myself. Especially after being overwhelmed by her pace last night. She was so passive now and something... clicked when I saw her that way.

She looked up at me and met my gaze with fresh tears on her cheeks and a desperation in her eyes. "This isn't funny anymore, princess." She warned me to stop playing with her feelings.

I pulled her arm away and laced my fingers with hers. "Then stop laughing."

More tears started pouring from her eyes as her face scrunched up. "Stop, I can't do this again, my heart still hurts, it hurts so much."

"Then... then let me fix it." I kissed the tears on her cheek.

She had a complicated nervous happy face a new wave of tears came out. "You're getting my hopes up. Princess."

"It's Meela, come on." I stood up and held my hand out to her.

"Where are we going?" she hesitantly reached up for my hand.

"Words are cheap. I'm going to prove it." I pulled her to her feet and over to my suitcase. She literally had no clothes so I loaned her some underwear and clothes but there was a problem. Normally, I'm fairly confident in my body, I took after my mother and got all her curves. But while seeing Satiri in my clothes I couldn't help but ogle her while she changed and afterward.

"I'm not used to wearing such girly clothes. Do they look okay?" She asked. She was in a white and peach sundress with white stockings, matching heels, and a wide brimmed hat. It should look fairly innocent but on Satiri the white fabric complimented her tanned skin while her light blonde sun bleached hair that was tied up with a ribbon glistened. The way her supple curves tugged at the fabric teased my imagination that had seen her very much naked. And- "Meela your nose is bleeding!" Satiri panicked.

I pressed my hands together and bowed. "Thank you Inari, I'll never question your methods again." I burned the adorable image of her into my mind.

"Meela, your nose! What are you doing! It's getting all over the floor!" 

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