[Arc 8] Ch. 2 Complicated Feelings

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I held my hand over my mouth.

Sebas... was Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde.

And his life... hadn't been as fun filled as I allowed myself to believe.

My head and my heart reeled from it all. I had found him. I hadn't even been looking for him properly and there he was. Dealing with his own set of issues. What was I going to do with this information?

Should I tell Julie?

Should I tell Flint?

Should I tell anyone?

Unlike Sebas, I hadn't been able to find someone to lean on. Julie was the only one I had really told about Satiri. But this was one thing I couldn't... Where did this come from? All this responsibility.

But as much as liked Julie, Sebas was my little brother.

I'd already been so useless, would he hate me if I outed him?

Inari you bastard! What do I do!?

I could just pretend like I never heard, but if they found out that I knew, and something happened. Oh spirits, what do I do? Should I just approach him on my own?

Bed. That's right, Meela. It's late and you should just think about it in the morning.

It's been long enough since they'd left, I could probably sneak out and not be caught.

When I reached for one of the sliding doors they were thrown open and I have expected Sebas or Liz to stare me down. Never in a million years would I have been able to guess who it was.

"WOOO! Party!" A lone tanned girl in a bikini and a white shirt hanging recklessly shouted as she raised a nearly empty bottle of rum above her head. It was a drunk Satiri.

She stumbled forward into me smelling like a brewery. "Princess! I didn't know you were going to be here! Woo!"

"Hey Satiri." I backed away until my butt rested against the conference table.

"Ain't this place grand! If I had known fancy place was the party I would have worn your clothes." She said taking a drink straight from the bottle and nearly tripping over her own feet.

"Satiri, you're a little drunk." I said as I caught her shoulders.

"And you're not drunk enough!" Satiri poked me in the chest. "You'd be really fun if you loosened up a little." Her eyes moved down my blouse and she stared at my breast with a shamelessly lewd smile. Then she started unbuttoning my top. "Show some cleavage and even the ice queen of sticks up butts like you could get a butt up your stick."

I grabbed her hands to stop her, but she managed to get three buttons despite my efforts. "Is that how you see me?" I could already feel the tears building, no wonder I couldn't get close to her. What kind of impression did she even have of me after all this time?

She burped right in my face before she answered. "I don't think you have a stick in your cleavage..." she stared at my cleavage for a second and I rolled my eyes in disappointment. "...Butt! In your butt. I always tell them, Meelas hips move too well for a stick... no wait..." she finally balanced herself and held my arm to steady herself while pressing the bottle against her forehead as if to settle her thoughts. "Meeeeeela, meela is..." she tapped the bottle against her head. "She's nice and pretty, and isn't a stuck up bitch noble who lords her super duper cleavage over people. You just need to get laid!" she giggled.

I looked away, both touched and disappointed by the drunk confessional.

"Hey pretty lady, look at me when I'm talking to you." Satiri grabbed my face and turned it back towards her and I was suddenly away of how close we were. "that stupid bastard Jassuawhosiswhatsit. Broke up with me! Turn out he's engajaged to some bitch woman not-lady, believe me. She treated myself like I was the other woman and then Jamssususisttt told me I was stupid to believe a novles could ever fall in love with a slutting whore pirate." She was getting emotional and began crying.

Satiri wrapped her arms around my shoulders and buried her face in my chest. "Then he said I should feel honored to be his toy, like he was doing me a favor. Then the bitch found me later and talked about where I'd sleep in the mansion and when I was allowed to come out of my room." Satiri sobbed. "Why are nobles such trash?"

I wrapped my arms around her and looked away since I totally knew the type of people she was talking about.

Suddenly she jerked away. "That's not what I meant. You're breezy and you always smell nice! See even now you smell like sea breeze and fruits..." she leaned in close and sniffed me to prove her point. The intake of air from her nose tingled and I waited from more drunken dribble to spill from her mouth until it kissed the skin on my neck.

A lightning bolt fried my common sense. Was she... kissing my neck?


Yepyepyep those were lips on my neck!

I squirmed as an unfamiliar warmth built up in my body.

"Um Satiri?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Chu~ Mm Hmm?" She kissed and then hummed which sent a whole new wave of heat over my body as her soft lips vibrated against my skin. I squirmed even more as she leaned into me pushing me precariously over the table. I had no idea what was going on or what to do! I can't help but flail my hands since with her bikini there was just soooo much tanned and toned bare skin. And putting my hands on the table wasn't going to stop her as her kisses made their way up my neck.

"Come on, we're both girls doesn't that weird you out?" I stammered.

"Girls are so much softer. Mmmm." She moaned into my neck. Somehow one of her arms found its way around my waist and a soft plushy leg pressed itself between mine and into me. That sent a wave of something through me that caused my spine to quiver and my eye to twitch several times. I was getting caught up in her pace and had to take control... but my motivation was surprisingly weak.

I needed to take control. This is not how I wanted this to go. She was piss drunk... and still so gooooood at whatever she was doing. I stuck my first knuckle in my mouth and bit down on it. FFFFFFFFFFFFrikcdictikydic.

I slap my hand awkwardly on the table as I screamed my frustration into my hand which unfortunately came out more like a moan which didn't help my resolve.

"Wait... wait..." I pleaded but there was no feeling in them. I stamped my foot on the ground... that turned out to be a bad move... yep that was the leg between hers and she squeaked cutely when I did it.

You know, Satiri. It would be sooooo much easier to push you away if you weren't the perfect combination of sexy and cute. How did Sebas manage to not kiss Lilith for six years, was he gay?... okay now really wasn't a good time for that question. 

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