[Arc 4] Ch. 5 Dragon's Redemption

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I left a crater in my wake when I charged at Jakis. I spun to hit him with the back of my right fist. He put up his guard just as planned, and I was able to knock aside his defense for a left hook into his face that sent him reeling, but it wasn't enough as his left knee met my side. He spun me slightly and threw a left hook. I parried with my elbow and got a clean shot in his ribs with another left hook of my own.

I spun again to kick him and when he caught my foot I hopped with my other foot and twisted my body to kick him in the chin forcing him to let go. He countered with a jab and I knocked it aside and then he dodged my next two kicks and blocked the third with one of his own. It created a shockwave, but I didn't pay it any mind as I continued my rampage. He caught one of my right jabs and pulled me off my center of balance to get two clean hits in my torso with his fists.

He swung his right leg into me and when I caught it, I instantly used my whole body to spin him throwing him to the ground but before I could get an axe kick on him, he rolled out of the way and bounced to his feet. He retaliated with three jabs and a right cross. I sidestepped the jabs and dodged the cross by leaning backwards and caught myself with my hands and kicked upward with my left leg hitting his guard and with my left leg I swung it around catching him in the chin. I was able to spin while on my hands with the momentum and got two more kicks in with a full spin.

I rolled to my feet, and with my momentum I jumped and elbowed him in the face. He spun, clocking me in the face with his heel. While I was reeling, he grabbed my head and yanked my face into his knee and my mouth filled with the iron taste of blood. I followed up by leaping and rammed the top of my head into his nose and heard a crunch before I backed away.

He is far too agile for his size. But my dad was bigger and hit harder. I spit out some blood and smiled when I saw him breathing heavily. Whatever he was made out of, I was now fully confident I could kick it out of him. I breathed in deeply channeling all my magic and then let it out in one glorious battle cry.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Time seems to slow down as my vision turned a familiar red.

I jump at him and I watch as every punch and kick I throw at him ripples along his body. Within moments he wasn't even fast enough to throw up his arms to block since I keep knocking them away with every other attack. I finished by sweeping his feet out from under him and as he topples over, I throw my entire body into delivering one last straight kick into his solar plexus. My heel shattered him like glass, and he disappeared into shards of light.

Time returned to normal and I caught my breath long enough to throw my head back and give one last war cry as I breathed fire directly into the air to declare my victory. Slowly my senses returned to normal and I regained myself.

That was when I heard it.


The overwhelming roar of applause attacked me from all directions and spun around to see that the colosseum was packed with students. The next thing I knew four beaten bloody bodies nearly tackled me to the ground in excitement. That was until we all realized how much pain we in when we collided. We groaned together and laughed as we caught our balance. It was an overwhelming victory.

I pulled out the magical golden cards that could be summoned at will. I nodded at my teammates and they nodded back. I fanned out the golden cards and held them above my head. "SOVERIEGNS!" I shout and then four more arms rose with gold playing cards.

""SOVEREIGNS!"" My party shouted and there was another roar from the crowd.



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