[Arc 3] Ch. 6 White Samite

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"Alright, homework." I say as I look at the list on my desk. "Since the sorcerer student uniforms are new, they are having custom fittings and sponsor. Please find some time to go to the 'White Samite' and have them take your measurements, I have the vouches here..." I held up a small stack of cards with symbols on them in the shape of the of the uniform on one side and the logo of the store on the other. "... the first two pairs are free, and you'll be provided a set of 'athletic wear' for training. Those comes with complimentary repairs. From what I've been told girls do have the option between slacks or a skirt."

"White Samite? You mean the famous top tier adventurer store?" Hazel perked up. "We're getting custom uniforms from The Lady in White Samite herself? Why didn't you lead with that? We'd be wall to wall with Sorcerers."

I rubbed my eyes as I counted the minutes it would take to get back to my bed, after some sleep I'd be able to concentrate on how to cram as much info into these kids as possible. "I'm teaching Sorcery, not selling clothes, Haze. In the next class we'll be talk about the unofficial shorthand language of the sigils called the Audacitor's Cipher. Class dismissed." I yawned.



Later that day.

Nerys and Gareth are really something else. Nerys is really invested in being a sorcerer, and Gareth is a clever sponge. I guess you could say that Nerys is in her element. She has always had a mind for scholarship and the mystic arts. Here at a school, where she is going to be able to pursue a dream that she thought was dead, she gave her life's devotion in a way that I haven't seen in her before. Gareth isn't a fool, he has a latent intelligence and steadfast character that makes him larger than life sometimes. He isn't in his element, but he knows that Nerys is. He is soaking in everything that Nerys does and is processing it.

He's observing the class and is picking up cues, taking physical and mental notes about everything. I wouldn't call him a prodigy like his sister, his notes are full of half thoughts and are scattered around just like his head. But he is calm, focused, and steadfast on his tasks. I guess that you could say he has the gift of hard work.

When class ends, Nerys practically jumps over her desk to grab one of the vouchers and Raven was close behind her, but I barely even saw her move. There is more to her than meets the eye, that's for sure. Elizabeth and Constance were close behind and Professor Turner was surprised by their excited chase to the front of the classroom. Was this White Samite Lady really all that? I didn't think the red Sorcerer's uniform was especially 'cute' or 'exciting'. It was a little fancier than the mage or warlock uniforms, I guess...?

"Is the White Samite Lady really that amazing?" Gareth asked and the room went silence.

Nerys made eye-contact with the other girls and communicated silently with all the girls and nodded at them. Then she slowly walked up to Gareth and carefully leaned over his desk with deliberate carefulness to get his full attention.

"Beloved brother of mine, the Lady in White Samite is a goddess. A holy maiden of talent and weapons. A Saint that lives in a lake of inspiration. An innovator that has actively changed the world of equipment and fashion as we know it. Creating functional clothing, armor, and weaponry that must have been inspired by the spirts themselves. And if someone wanted a drop of your blood in exchange for the OPPORTUNITY at a custom fitted outfit from the Lady in White Samite, I'd cut out your heart, stick it in a fancy box, and hand deliver it to whatever crazy person wanted it." Nerys threatened with clear intent and a dangerously calm smile. "She's currently making history fabulous and if you embarrass me, I'll curse you and your posterity. Do. You. Understand?"

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