[Arc 1] Ch. 1 Mating Season?

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I scratch my fluffy ear after a burst of wind tickled it. My cat tail flicked, and I had to pick out a few strands of grass. Sitting on the ground wasn't the worst, but it sure made it hard to keep the newly grown spring grass from getting everywhere with my tail.

I sigh as I think about how long it's been since I've seen Sebas. It's spring of Phoenix year 1268, that means Sebas and I will be turning 15 this summer.

I'm not excited about spring especially this year, spring is 'mating season'. It's a joke more than anything. Between the regular traditions of a season of love, the wolves returning to their country, Grandine, and wanting to pair up last minute before returning, or taking an exotic husband or bride with them, 'mating season' become a custom for everyone to be involved in.

Final exams to graduate the remedial courses are coming up at the end of spring near the beginning of summer, as well as entry exams for the Advanced University Course are at the end of summer. Summer is the best time for traveling to and from the Hearthroam University in Galavan so there weren't usually classes with all the foot traffic.

"Hey Julie," A dark haired boy walked over with a confident grin. He had a practice sword and was followed by a group of armed boys from our class's year. I rolled my eyes as I sat in the shade of a tree with Nerinin in one of the common grounds for leisurely gathering. The campus of Heathroam was huge. It had originally been a sizable town, but as the fame of the school grew bigger, buildings were made around the town, the towns' buildings were first made bigger, grander, and then assimilated into the campus.

Going to Hearthroam was like living in a small city. A more formal Market was made in what was called the outer city built around the campus. The location that used to be a market in the town had overgrown with grass and was maintained as a common area for meeting, having lunch, relaxing, and during Mating season people met here for matches.

"I'm Motama, we hear you're both accepting matches for a mate." He tapped his practice sword against his shoulder.

Yep, that's how this worked. Thanks to the Grandine tradition of "strong mates" part of the mating ritual involved proving you were stronger than the person you had your eye on. If you couldn't 'woo' them in the traditional way, then you could challenge them to a match and 'prove your dominance'. It wasn't set in stone that you had to marry the person if you lost, that tactic only really wooed wolf girls who advertised that they wanted a strong a mate. But it was also considered bad manners if you didn't at least go on a date with someone if you lost.

"We are, but you'll have to challenge our boyfriend if you want both of us." Nerinin announced. The silver-haired wolf was my best friend and the Princess of Grandine. She is beautiful and strong, probably on the top ten list of beautiful and talented people at school. To offset her sparkling silver mane, she sported a short red hood and cape. On the front of it on the left side was a wolf head in a shield as a coat of arms. On campus that red cloak was a declaration of being a Felhound and that she would take on any challengers. She readily declared that as a Silverpelt she was a proud Felhound by blood and disposition.

There was a base uniform for the school but there were several varieties and acceptable modifications or accessories allowed to go with them based on your chosen field of study and other factors. Since Felhounds were a cultural marker the red cape and hood was cleared early on and a standard was set for them so they would compliment the uniforms.

"Ha! I don't see the Phantom Prince anywhere. Or is your ghostly Sebas hiding behind the tree?" the boy and his friends laughed.

"Nyot Sebas. Him." I pointed up into the tree.

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