[Arc 18] Ch.9 Second Wind

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[Kaina Oakview]

The ground rumbled and the sound of roaring and explosions came from above ground. Oh, I love it when a plan comes together, I even get to have a little fun.

The little hydra, known for his mastery of poison and above-average healing magic, held out for a good ten minutes. He would have made a fine assassin if he committed, but alas he chose our path as a means of survival. He would have gotten farther if he had chosen vengeance, he'd probably be king already.

He was dexterous with throwing knives that he managed to produce from the folds of his clothes in a near-infinite way. That was the signature of Hieterman, a knife specialist, and an acquaintance who ended up on the wrong side of a contract. Those knives littered the facility where the witch watches were to be mass-produced. Meanwhile, my blood magic left slices in steelwork around us and exploded holes where they had missed him.

"I'm impressed," Kaina said. "You managed to land a scratch on me."

There was a line of blood on my forearm where he managed to land a strike. How unfortunate that I am also immune to poison through my master of blood magic. To show him how unimpressed I was, I gave my wound a long lick. The poor boy was covered in the many love taps that I had left on him.

Toying with my food, I really shouldn't but it is so fun. I have what I want. A witch watch. My master requested it, so now I'm just waiting for Becky to finish her side of the equation. Completely crippling these little traitorous upstarts was our mission, and now I'll even get a bonus for killing Prince Vance.

"As fun as this has been, I really must be going." I prepared my blade for one last rebuttal. It was my fatal blow.

The Hydra actually managed to block the first three strikes of the combo. What I didn't anticipate was that he would decide on a kamikaze attack. After I knocked his swords out of his hands, I slipped a dagger between his ribs. However, he had a device on his wrist that shot a spike into my lung. When he smiled as if he had won, I spat the blood on his face, and when it made contact it glowed with blood magic blowing his head to pieces.

His smile was gone and his body flopped over on the ground. I gave it a swift kick and huffed.

That bastard not only shot a spike into me, he grabbed my boob!

I'll admit that I don't have as much as Becky, but I am still a woman of pride and class. I pulled a potion from my hip bag and downed it. I found a pair of pliers and was able to pull the spike from my chest. When I finally caught my breath, I started to move.

"In a different life, kid. Maybe a different contract we could have had a proper go at it." I said thinking about how nice it would be to be a prince's kept woman and be taken care of.

That was when I heard rustling and equipment being knocked over.

"What in the..." I gasped as I saw the prince stand up. His face healing over and his wounds healing with green light.

"I don't see why we have to wait. I'm hot and single, you're hot and single." The prince flirted as he literally rose from the dead. "We could make beautiful babies. Wanna switch sides?"

I reflexively threw a screwdriver on a nearby table at him, and it hit him in the eye.

"Ouch, I didn't say you could screw me like that." The prince hissed as he pulled the object from his eye. "I guess I'll show you the other reason I'm called the Hydra. Now that the death seal is broken, I might as well do this!"

The Prince waved his hand and a pulse of light magic erupted from him.

It was too little too late by the time I realized what he had done. The ancient lost magic he had cast.

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