[Arc 5] Ch. 7 Frankenstein's Monster

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Alright, how am I going to do this?

Damn. Being with Lilith for so long has taught me unwanted fashion sense.

"Alright! I have the sizes. Boyfriend, you'll be happy to know Minerva went up a bra size since we last went shopping for bras!" Angela announced as she burst out from behind the curtain.

"Angie! Shut up!" Pomf pomf pomf pomf. Minerva beat her fists against Angela, but it wasn't hard enough to get more then elicit a teasing grin out of her.

I didn't hear that. La la la, I'm not listening.

"These three." I point at a red two piece with black borders, a pink frilly two piece, and a blue one piece with the sides cut out.

"Wow, no reaction at all. That's cold, boyfriend." Angela evenly reprimanded.

"I'm not her boyfriend. If we are done here, I'm leaving." I turn to leave and once again I'm caught by Angela.

"You can't just leave before you see her try them on, Boyfriend~!" Angela cooed.

""Huh?"" Both me and Minerva made a noise.

"Oh don't pretend like it's not necessary. We all know that clothing hangs differently on the body then the rack." Angela dragged me over to a bench by the curtain changing spaces and I got some curious glances from some of the girls who had some hesitations about entering the changing rooms when I sat down.

I couldn't contest Angela's point, but I turned to the other girls. "Don't give me that look, I don't want to be here anymore than you want me here." I growl as visible anger lines appeared above my head.

Another girl with blonde hair and glasses showed up and sat next to me while locking arms. "Oh don't be that way~. We are always in need of a man's opinion around here. Especially one with such a good eye." Those eyes... Victoria Frankenstein? She works for my sister.

"Hello manager," Angela greeted Victoria.

"Greetings Angela, good catch." Victoria smiled wickedly. "Come on, ladies. Wouldn't you like this cute boy to compliment you on your choices. It'll give you more confidence for when you need it~" she winked, and the rest of the girls and women giggled. How were they okay with this! I notice Victoria's eyes again and then Angela's, then back to Victoria...


"Well, boyfriend~. What do you think about this one?" a large breasted woman came out from behind the curtain wearing only a bra and panty set. She was absolutely spilling out of her top though.

"The color looks good on you, but the size is too small. Even though you may think they look better when squished like that, Wearing the proper size will not only be more comfortable, but it will help your posture. In the long run that's more attractive. Slouching will invalidate all the benefits you think you are getting." I growled. Damn it. Lilith! I'll get you for this!

The woman and all the other girls looked at me in surprise.

"Wow, that was really good advice." The woman said re-examining her choice, but she flushed with a smile. NO! NO!... NO! I'm not doing this!

"Boyfriend... is there any chance you like-" Victoria whispered.

"I only like GIRLS!" I growled but all of my anger and bloodlust didn't do more than amuse them. "But when you spend enough time adventuring with the wrong ones, you pick up things you never wanted to learn!"

"B-boyfriend?" I turned my attention to the timid voice that called out for me. "It doesn't look weird on me, does it?"

When I wasn't looking, Minerva had slipped into one of the changing rooms and put on the frilly pink two piece. She stood in the doorway of the stall standing shyly while holding her arm with a prominent blush.

"Well, boyfriend. Tell her how she looks." Victoria cooed.

I promptly stood up and walked over to the stall. Minerva shyly backed away getting redder. In one smooth motion I closed the curtain on her and exhaled. I hadn't even realized I was holding my breath.

"Was it that bad?" Minerva's weak voice came from behind the curtain.

"Bad for my heart. Red. I absolutely forbid you from ever wearing that in front of anyone, ever." I declared as my heart threatened to break my ribs. Placed one hand on the wall of the stall and bury my face in the other one as I take deep long breaths. My reality has just been shook.

"I don't understand..." Minerva still didn't get it.

I leaned as close to the curtain as I dared. "By the spirits, I'll spell it out. It was cute. Far too cute. Illegally cute. I forbid you from looking that cute in front of perfect strangers, understand?"

I had just seen something impossible and confessed something worse.

The entire crowd that had gathered around had stayed quiet enough to hear that confession and squealed.

"Please just try the others on quick so we can get out of here." I pleaded.


Minerva tried the others on but ended up getting the red one. Victoria threw the pink one in "on the house" since I had inadvertently and reluctantly provided a valuable service as I commented on the other patron's choices while waiting for Minerva.

Women, they are going to be the end of me. I was in there for two hours! Three outfits do not take two hours to try on! Victoria and Angela practically held me down while a line formed, A LINE! There was nothing normal about today. Some power in the cosmic universe threw a curve ball at me that very nearly fried my brain and shorted out my soul. Gaia's blessing? I really couldn't think of any other explanation.

How is it possible that I saw so many half-naked women without a single slap, 'baka', or scream? I feel like I just committed a crime. Julie and Nerinin... and Lilith... and especially my keeper... can never know about this.

"Thank you, I know I put you through a lot tonight and I'm sorry." Minerva blushed as I walked her out of the shopping district. She was holding on to a small bag that had both of the flimsy swim wear.

"Tomorrow morning, we'll meet here to finalize the rest of the plans. But never ask me to do something like this again." I warn her.

"Tomorrow morning, I understand." She nodded.

So compliant. Stop it!

What happened to the Minerva that was so easy to hate? Ugh, I have such a headache I need to lie down.

"Thanks again for helping me."

"Don't mention it... EVER."


"What?" I growl, just ready for this misadventure to be over.

"You helped me a lot already, and you even called someone like me cute. You are kind of mean on the outside, but you really are a good person." She bowed in gratitude.

"I am whoever I want to be, and that's enough for me." I wave her off and walk away. That begged the question that had haunted me for the last couple of years.

Who do I want to be?

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