[Arc 6] Ch. 2 Warlock's Charm

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The clerk crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks. "Seriously, if she walked in right now, I'd give her a piece of my mind."

"Pfft." Hyde snickered and revealed a sincerely happy smile. "You're really amazing, aren't you?" It was so bright that there were sparkles and soft bubbles around him and I saw the clerk become encapsulated by how bright and warm his smile was. She blushed furiously like a maiden in love.

"I don't think I'm all that amazing..." The clerk began acting bashful.

"People like you don't give yourself enough credit. If you measure someone's life by the amount of times they smile, then being able to make people smile is truly amazing." Hyde walked done the aisle and selected a thick book from a stack of copies. "What do you know about this book?"

The clerk flinched and her smile was crooked and hesitant. "It's just a dry encyclopedia of magic. I hear the sorcery movement might even make it obsolete, so we've been marking them down before that happens."

"So you don't know. I guess it isn't an especially touching anecdote. It's not really just a bunch of text, it's a mother's love." Hyde opened it up. "When her son was showing interest in magic the Publisher had this complied so that her son could get into Hearthroam. He had a poor friend and used this book to teach them magic so they could also get into Hearthroam too. No matter what anyone says, this created valuable smiles and revealed a mother's love. The story behind the story. I look at this book and think of my own mother and the smiles we shared. I haven't seen her for a few years since I became an Adventurer. Maybe I'll go back this summer and visit?"

Once again, the clerk stood entranced by Hyde, and I have to say that was starting to get drawn in.

"Pretty lame for a Warlock to be talking about his mom. Sorry, I've taken up enough of your time rambling. You don't have to tell me your favorite book, any one will do..." Hyde slipped the thick volume onto the shelf.

It was like she had forgotten she was at work and the clerk stuttered a few times before selecting a few books. Hyde always managed to close the space between them with a shameless ease that looked like he wasn't conscious of her. But each time I could see how deliberate it was as she tried to hide how conscious she was of his presence and how dangerously close they were to touching. That sneaky bastard, how was he pulling this off?

"I'm Belle by the way," the clerk said as she tactfully slid a lock of hair behind one of her ears and puffed out her chest a little.

"Back home, they called me Eddy, but as a Warlock I go by Mr. Hyde. Recently after a prank, Red over there played on me, a bunch of girls nicknamed me boyfriend. It's been really troublesome to go about my business and then have a crowd of girls walk by and shout 'boyfriend at me', so let's not go there." Hyde gave a shy smile that charmed her. "One of these days it's going to give some special the wrong idea."

Belle tried to hide her blush at the subtextual implication that she might be that special someone. Finally, with several books in tow they returned to the counter and helped him check out.

She gave him a price and then said, "But today, I'll give you a discount, just don't tell my manager. Eddy~." She flirted more obviously.

"No, I couldn't. Today you've given me much more than a few books. But if you insist on the discount..." Hyde reached into his wallet and pulled out a few more coins and handed them over. "... then use the leftover to buy yourself a nicer necklace. That way, when you have to fend off creeps with that 'boyfriend' line again, you can say you got it from a Warlock. You can even tell them my name, I have a little bit of a reputation on campus, it may help. I tend to scowl a lot when I'm trying to act tough or I'm deep in thought, so people steer clear of me."

"I don't know if that's-" she tried to turn him down.

Hyde put the money down and picked up the books. "But in exchange can I ask a favor?"

"Huh?" She was caught off guard.

"I'm going to be busy on this job, my friend helped me out, so I'm going to give it my best." Hyde put on a brave face. "I'm feeling much better then I was before, but maybe if I find some free time... it won't be too much trouble for me to stop by again... maybe just to see you?" He asked with a glowing flush while tensely holding the books.

"Yes! I'd like that!" Belle smiled brightly.

With that we took our leave and when we were out of sight of the book store Hyde cracked his neck and his scowl returned to his natural state. Resting Bastard face.

"My friend, I completely underestimated you, that was genius!" I slapped Hyde a few times on the back.

"What exactly was that? I didn't even know you COULD smile." Minerva asked.

"It was a number of things. An 'act' is one thing to call it. A demonstration, building contacts, and networks. Plus, I like books. In order to get a good book recommendation, I had to gain her trust. In order to obtain my goal, I said what I needed to say. Truths, lies, half-truths, improvisation I achieved all my goals. Now that I'm working for you, Red, you need to know that whatever I tell you, you have to believe I'm saying it to help you reach your goals." Hyde said. "I can do more than just than just fight. I didn't get into Hearthroam without using my head. So if I ever say to leave something to me, you know you can trust that I have the skills to get it done."

"Okay, but where did you learn acting and picking up girls?" I asked.

Hyde's eye twitched. "I spent a lot of time around the right and wrong kinds of people when I was an adventurer. Actors, seductresses, mercenaries, scholars, mages, you name it. But I never turned down a chance to learn."

"But to lie like that..." Minerva cocked an eyebrow at him.

"I would only call it lying if I didn't have the time to explain what really happened." Hyde held up one of his books and examined the cover against the light.

"And if you had time to explain?" Minerva asked.

"Knowledge is power." Hyde smiled slyly. Warlocks, the only think scarier then their scowl is their smile. I think we are going to get along famously.

"I will pay for that power. Will you lend it to me?" Minerva asked, matching his coy dance of words with her rebuttal full of conviction.

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