[Arc 11] Ch. 3 Lovely Memories

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I woke up from the dream trance with a throbbing headache and neck pain. That's what happens when you fall asleep in a chair. I now remember why I've avoided using dream magic in the past. It makes me want to puke.

I opened my eyes to see Minerva standing above me. She had her hair pulled back with one hand and was leaning over me. She looked really conflicted about something but was uncomfortably close to my face. Her eyes were closed, and she hovered there for a second. She grimaced and pulled back.

"No, I really shouldn't." she sighed regretfully.

"Shouldn't what?" I asked as my mind was still regaining functionality.

"EEP!" She squeaked and opened her eyes to see me and jumped backward only to trip over herself and fall on the floor. She rolled backward and hit her head on the front part of the arm of the couch. "Owie." She curled her hands over her head. "I wasn't doing anything I swear."

That was when my stomach decided it didn't care about her answer.

"Then excuse me." I set the guitar down and ran to the bathroom. I didn't even bother to close the door I just made it in time to lower my head and empty my guts into the toilet water.

I hate dream magic... never again.

Also... was that blood? Crap... that's a side effect from of the magic from last night. Namely all the etherite I pumped through myself, and the other experiments I've put my body through over the years. The worst part is that all of this vomit is just packed with magic. it was like radioactive waste and I already had images of glowing sewer rats going through my mind.

"Gluuuugh!" My body convulsed, forcing more refuge into the toilet. Those were problems for future Sebas.



"Hyde..." I watch Hyde expel vomit and blood into the toilet.

He'd woken up and just rushed to the restroom. When I heard him throw up, I thought he was making a rude joke about me trying to kiss him, until I saw the blood.

"... Are you okay?" I asked stupidly. Obviously, he wasn't okay, healthy people don't throw up blood!

He collapsed into an odd sitting position as he leaned on the toilet for support. "I got lucky last night, remember? This is was lucky means." He laughed humorlessly and spit into the toilet. "You and I both know that there is a price for power."

"Hold on." I left and grabbed a glass of water and returned. "Here, you can at least swish your mouth out with this." I handed him the glass.

He sipped some of the water and spit it into the toilet. Then he flushed it and leaned against the far wall between the toilet and the bathtub. He smiled wryly at me.

"You know, usually I'm alone when this happens. Or my party freaks out trying to cure things they can't fix, and it just stresses me out more. But you are unusually calm, Red." He said to me.

I sat down on the edge of the bathtub and could barely imagine how far magic technology has come over the years. This bathroom was like nothing I grew up with, but was it possible there was still no cure for what Hyde was going through? But it made me think of all the times I'd watched over my roommates after crazy parties. "You can blame my roommates." I chuckled.

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