[Arc 19] Ch.1 Handsome Fairies

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[Handsome Oberon T'erk]

"Father, I sense a disturbance." T'ulip the eldest of the three sister fairies woke me from my meditation.

"They feel like monsters but not." Ur'kid the middle sister said as she looked out the window.

"Malice in the air. Not nice." Sa'Fron the youngest grabbed her sword.

"Urrraggh!" I groaned as I sat up. Not having a heartbeat is wild so I meditate to keep from going crazy. The silence mixed with the feeling of mana course between the world and my body is a singular experience. Sometimes I do get lost in it and I've mellowed out a lot. But it is time to be in the present and if there was one thing I knew after living with my daughters it was that their senses were impeccable.

It may be due to how gruff I am and not knowing how else to bond with them but they've each grown into fine women, and each is deadly with a sword. At first, I simply doted on them but when they grew bored, I could do nothing but lean on what I knew. So I trained them as warriors, knights even. I think it sped up their maturing process as their muscles and mana developed. Even Sa'Fron the youngest, looked to be a Professor Turner's peer if only 5 inches tall.

Daylen thought I was a bit rough on them but when I requested tiny training swords he went a bit overboard. He created a whole line of standardized Fairy Knight gears from all varieties of weapons to full suits of armor. All in miniature so he claimed the task just got away from him, but I appreciated the gesture, and the girls got to have a bit of a fashion show... with armor.

As a half-dwarf, Daylen's stock was always...eccentric. However, his miniature armor was exceptional. Maybe the nature of it being miniature helped his creative side.

I admired my smart brave little knights and opened the window. I took a long drag of the night air, filling my lungs and my new heart.

"Suit up girls, duty calls," I said as I closed the window and donned my mask taking up the mantle of Delta of the Hounds of Baskerville.

When I opened the door Alpha stood there waiting for me. "Ack! You spooky bastard! Why didn't you knock?"

"Trouble." the Alpha clone said.

"Ya, I know. Let's go." I sighed as my girls snuggled in the pockets made for them.

Sebas's clone is just as spooky as the man himself, just as aware and conniving. "We are going to meet with Benedict. He is on his way to welcome the newcomers."

"And Daylen?" I asked.

"Lambda Present..." Daylen said as he tripped while falling out of his room. "...ow." He winced as a collapsible scythe weapon fell and bonked him on the head. His hound's outfit matched except for his mask which was the only model I had seen that covered the upper part of his face. It had two sets of "eyes" and a set of horns.

I sighed. This was not unusual for him. I reached down and picked him up by the scruff and placed him back on his feet. He was a genius with his hands but with two left feet unless he was specifically in combat or at an anvil. You'd never know it by looking at him, but I guess you'd never know I doted so much on my girls.

They were geniuses all their own too.

Smart, beautiful, quick learners... just like dear old dad. They make me so proud.

"Are you... crying?" Lambda/Daylen asked.

"I'm just so proud of my girls, they bring me so much joy," I said while biting my fist.

Lambda looked at me as if I was the disappointment in the hallway, but I raised three amazing fairies. It's very clear that I could never be on the losing side of anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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