[Arc 5] Ch. 8 Devils' Gambit

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It's official... this is the worst idea ever.

I don't know why I'm surprised that we'd be going to the beach in a carriage. But... Why are we going with Cedric and Angela? Cedric hasn't changed much, but Angela is still the same monster from yesterday!

"Isn't it so nice that we get to sit next to such pretty girls?" Cedric said in the carriage as mechanically as possible. There was no way Angela wasn't forcing him to say that.

Inside the carriage I was on the right and Minerva was next to me. Cedric was facing me on the other side of the carriage and Angela was next to him across from Minerva. Angela had her arm around Cedric's and it's a little weird to see the age gap, especially considering Angela's around my age and Cedric used to work for me six years ago.

Speaking of which, I could acknowledge that Cedric was a good man. He had a very 'cool' atmosphere to him. It's looks like he's been growing his straightened blonde hair out until if should have covered his ears, but he had it tied back. I also wasn't used to seeing him in normal clothes. He had a tall frame, but I guess I never appreciated how wide his shoulders were. At least he still had a sword strapped to his waist.

Angela looked like an innocent little brunette. She was the perfect cute hometown girl with and simple smile and humming like she was the happiest girl in the world. The perfect little angel... fallen angel.

I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at Angela. "EVVVIIIILLLL."

"Pffft, you really call it like it is." Cedric laughed. "OWowowowowow." He reacted to Angela pinching him.

Her smile was just as innocent as it had always been, and yet she caused him pain.

"Pfft." I heard a delightful little chirp of a giggle from my side and glance over to Minerva.

She had a sweet little smile on her face from trying to hide her laugh, and... were those sparkles? Shoo. Go away. This is not a romance. I wave away the sparkles in the air.

"So if you're really intent on calling it like it is, what is Minerva to you?" Angela asked.

"Huh? Don't asked stupid questions. We're classmates." I ground my teeth.

"The only classmate our little princess decided to bring with us. The only BOYFRIEND she's ever taken to an underwear store. hehe." Angela giggled.

"Cedric, was it?" I asked as I shadow hung over my face.

"Um ya?" Cedric answered.

"What is Angela to you?" I asked and there was a long silence as the mood swiftly changed.

He narrowed his eyes at me dangerously. I haven't seen those eyes since we spared. It's pleasantly nostalgic. "Are you threatening my girlfriend?"

"Do you understand now, little maid? Asking that question is never as simple as asking that question. So I'll say it again... EVVVVVIIIIILLL." I emphasized my opinion of her.

"Oh no, are you some knight in shining armor. Are you going to slay me?" Angela teased. "EEK, I need a big stronger knight to protect me!" She giggled while holding tightly onto Cedric's arm with a bright happy blush on her face as she rubbed her cheek against his arm.

"Knights are cute, but like the Grand Magus I'm a Warlock." I state. "Warlock's do not swear allegiance to anyone or anything, not kings, not money, not honor. We are lone towers and we serve ourselves. She asked for my help and was willing to pay the price. That's all I see, nothing more, nothing less."

I stared straight into Angela's eyes to the point that I peeled back her mask and she visibly recoiled when she realized how deeply I was forcibly unlocking the gates into her soul. It's not a demon eye ability, it's more of a skill that anyone could learn. I learned this from Kiln. That guy loved to read so much he learned how to read people's souls, but he had no finesse, so it was really off-putting when he threw open the doors most people were used to keeping closed, and those with secrets were used to locking.

Foxtails and Fairytales: Facades and Fables of the Phantom Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें