[Arc 17] Ch.10 Phantom's Fangs

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That's not to say I was entirely reluctant any time Nerinin obviously flexed outfits that showed off her toned midriff or her eye-popping bust. Liz was not shy either and constantly chose outfits that showed off her upper and lower back muscles which only served to tease the imagination at her defiance when it came to wearing traditional bras.

Thanks to Lilith, Liz had developed a signature 'blood magic bra' spell which was comfortable and effective, or so I was told a little too explicitly when they invented it. Which meant her body was unfairly built for such a nonconformist disposition. All the perks and perkiness of a push up bra without the bra itself.

Luckily for my heart and soul, Talisa was a bit more conservative. She had all the makings and disposition of a proper lady... she also had all the well-placed shame of a proper lady which made her a target for some good-natured teasing from the other two girls.

However, when it came to picking clothes for me, I definitely felt like a dress up doll. They made me try everything from a proper black-tie suit to a host outfit to some clothes that were far too tight around my butt or revealed far too much of my chest and stomach. I felt like a Jojo character. So I struck a few poses which were embarrassingly popular with not only the girls I was with, but I seemed to draw a bit more of an audience than I would have hoped.

I know this was one of the sleepless cities, but it was a bit ridiculous how many people were active so late at night. I would even go so far to say there was a significant amount of the population or tourists that didn't sleep or slept during the day, so they were awake during the night.

Luckily, the luxury of the city was such that shopping for spatial bags wasn't unheard of but the prices were on the exorbitant side. It made a good cover for Nerinin with her witch watch. It did make me realize how much of an impact it would make too. From what Nerinin said the witch watch would be considerably cheaper to manufacture and distribute.

I was surprised by the prices of things, but even more so was I surprised by the excess amount of money these girls had. I wouldn't call myself poor by any stretch of the imagination, but if I was buying all this stuff, it would hurt my savings. I did buy them a few trinkets, but they insisted on buying most of their stuff saying that their pride as women was on the line.

Which only helped to remind me that there are many things to women that I both kind of understand but also feel a little bit lost about. I didn't pry too much and still managed to make them smile with a few extra presents that I bought. I also insisted they let me at least pay for a meal.

And even though I have plenty of money, gems, and other rare things to make a quick buck off of from my travels and investments, I still have the poor boy bones of my roots. What this means is that since I grew up poor in my first life, it was still hard for me to spend extravagantly. I was always thinking about what things cost and if I could live without them.

So I put on my best acting face thanks to the sociopath actor who trained me in the finer things... like getting over myself.

We walked into a restaurant that looked far too nice and appeared as if one would need reservations booked a year in advance to enter. The matre di looked down on me like some young punk or some useless rich kid.

I flashed him a black card that I had gotten from the deerkin hotel mogul. It had a trace of magic on it to show its legitimacy and showed me to be a huge investor and higher up of that business. It was the same as declaring myself as the scion of the company itself.

Their attitudes changed instantly, and we were seated at one of the best tables. I think I even saw one of the servers remove a "reserved" plaque from the table before we got there.

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