[Arc 1] Ch.6 Class System

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I'm worried for Magus Turner. Ever since a month ago he's been running around in a daze. And since finals ended a week ago he's been locked up in his study. A week ago is also when Professor Dova was released from confinement and placed under house arrest and supervision. She could leave and was given access to the materials needed to prove her innocence and reliability, so long as she was followed by a senior member of the Archana.

The Magus assigned to her was a dark-skinned human named Hunter Griffon. He was a tall imposing man with dark tinted glasses to hide his peculiar pair of demon eyes. But he also had a pearly white smile that was even whiter compared to his black skin and wore it like it was going out of fashion. He is from the continent of Ty'r Brenin and is a Magus for his special magic called Mind Magic which is a little alienating to think it means he can manipulate your memories, perceptions, and read your thoughts.

Luckily even though Hunter is a snoop, he joined the Magus to prevent the misuse of that magic and for healing applications for soldiers, magic knights, and other traumatized individuals. He also got into general mischief but was trusted enough to police high security risk individuals. Actually, that meant us too. Flint isn't exactly a tactful person. Between only engaging in unranked fights, declaring a Dragon's Challenge, having a giant target on his back for being a proud pirate, and being a surly fearless delinquent, Flint was at the top of a lot of people's list. Dating us made it that much worse, but now that it was the summer between semesters thing had quieted down.

At least that's what I'd like to say but we are also in the middle of Dova's Inquisition. Who knows what could happen. We've been requested to stay at school for the case, but since Vlad was doing all the leg work on his own side of the process, we just laze around most of the day looking for Sebas, Studying, Training, and all around just passing the time.

What's plagued me is wondering who wrote that book that caused all of this? It has Sebas's troublesome handiwork written all over it. But from what I can tell the person who submitted it wanted to remain anonymous, and with the Inquisition going on they were not about to divulge that information or even let me get another look at it to confirm anything.

It happened so fast, but since I had helped with drawing the circle, I learned many things just off of what I was a part of. To be honest it put many things I was familiar with to shame. Even my own magical crests can't truly rival the potential of the little I learned. It was unusual and potent, just like Sebas. Sebas wrote that book, he was here. But why was he still hiding?


The sun is out today and it's bright without a cloud in the sky. On days like this, I practice my own magic. Styles of fighting for everyone is broken into Classes and specialized Sub-Classes. Our School, Hearthroam University, has two purposes. The first is to gather information from around the world and teach it(mainly the mystic arts or 'Magecraft'), and train Magic Knights.

A Magic Knight training is more of a set of basic knight discipline and combat training, mixed with integrated magical application. How the student chose to focus their studies outside of the basics was up to them. Magic Knights make up the bulk of Galavan's military forces. The only thing the Magic Knight title did was let everyone know that you could handle a weapon, shield, and spell with competency. Which was a lot to ask anywhere else in the world, but it was standard fair in Galavan.

Magic Knight was a class, a style of fighting, or chosen occupation. There were some true Magic Knights who were fearsome in any environment because of how well rounded they were. More often than not, these were career Knights for Galavan. But many mixed it with other classes that showed their specialization.

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