Part 19

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I walk out my bathroom in my satin ruffled two piece set, since I could finally take good care of my hair now I decided to wash it. From my bedroom my phone rings and I walk in to pick it up.

"Private number?" My curiosity takes over and I pick up. "Hello?"

"Halcyon." My name is said on the other line. Now it's dead quite. My static heart is suck in my throat and I almost drop to my knees. "Where are you?"

"I-I" I can't even think to get my words out. Get it together! "I'm home."

"Are you going laying down?"

I look down at my feet. "N-no,"

"Open your door." There's a pause before the line goes dead. I pick my head up going to my bedroom door. He's here?! What is he doing here?! My inner self starts to panic. Did I do something wrong? Where's my necklace?!

I rush to the bathroom seeing it on the counter and slip it on, I meet my own eyes. My hair is still damp, I was supposed to warp it up in a t-shirt and then go to bed but Tamir seems to have a different idea in mind-the door!

I go to open it and there he stands. He was looking down the corridor and then his head turns to me. I'm not surprised to see he's in a suit, his hair is a little ruffled and his tie is loose around his neck with his top button undone, yet he still looks...decent.

My stare lingers still taken back to his sudden appearance. "Come in." I smile and he takes a step in and I shut the door behind him. "Do you want something to drink? Coffee perhaps?" His back is still to me.

"No." His head does a slow scan around my place before he turns back to me, the side of his face is lit by my kitchen light giving him a soft glow as the other side is slightly shadowed. His eyes drop to my body and I realize just what I left myself in.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I'm trying my hardest to keep my eyes off his lips, the way his hands touched my body, the way his fingertips lit me on fire. His eyes are on my body but trace up to my lips. "Tamir?"

"Since you asked so nicely," his eyes finally meet mine, something dark dances in them making my swallow down hard. "Take it off." His eyes drop to my shirt and I follow his gaze.

"What?" I breath out choking down on the lump stuck in my throat.

"I want to see what I'm working with."

I blink out my full eyes. "But I-I'm not wearing anything underneath."

"If you were, that would defeat the purpose. Take. It. Off." My hands start trembling and I have to fist them to stop the shaking. I open my mouth to make some sort of excuse but the words can't even form a proper sentence.

I can't even bring myself to look at him, so he forces me. With his hand under my chin I meet his eyes. "Is this you finally going against me?"

"Is that what you want?" I glare up at him. "To see me naked?"

"It would definitely be a plus."

"Why do you have to be like this? I know this isn't you." He laughs at me, he laughs the way you laugh at an ignorant child. It's a knife to my chest. "I felt the way you kissed me yesterday."

"Oh yeah?" He chuckles. "You want a rerun? How about I show you just how deceiving I can be." He leans into me and I step back.

"You're a kind man under this act."

"Do you know how ridiculous you sound?" He too takes a step forward and my back sticks to my door. "What makes you think I'm acting."

"I've seen it-"

"I believe I instructed you," he raises a hand next to my head and I'm stuck, he inches closer making it hard for me to not notice his lips, the way they part slightly.

You won't go against him. Kent's words ring in my ears. I'm cramped, nowhere to run and I can't put distance between us. Don't think about it, don't think about it. I move my hands to the ruffles of my shirt keeping my eyes on him.

His drop to my hands. Don't think about it. I start pulling it up feeling the breeze on my stomach, don't think about it, I tug faster ready to flash him. Ready to expose myself to him, ready to give him exactly what he wanted. Don't think about it.

"Stop." My hands drop and my knees almost give out, I lean back on my door for support. Oh thank God. I bury my head in my hands. He's just playing with me. "You shouldn't cry so much."

He has no shame whatsoever. "Get some sleep." He presses his lips on my forehead then pulls me in. "My crybaby." I sniff in his chest and he moves me to a side, a breeze passes me, the door shuts, and he's gone.

I drop to my knees letting my sobs out, and I thought my time with Kate would help me forget. It did. Only for a second. Nothing in this world would help me escape, nothing.

No...I can't think like that. I promised I would try save him and that's exactly what I'll do. There's got to be a struggling boy stuck behind his facade, this can't be him. I need to get closer. Even if I hurt myself in the process.

The next time he comes I have to get him talking, I need him to tell me something about himself, something I can work with. Crying won't get my anywhere, I too need to take a page from his book and act stronger then I am.

Fake it till you make it right? I guess that's all I have left.

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