Part 40

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I let the day pass trying to suppress everything and forget about him, but the first day I have my coworkers tell me that the usual six o'clock didn't show up.

I know he didn't show up! I don't need to be reminded! I know!

I try not to lash out at work keeping the facade up for as long as I can. Yes, I miss him but the worst part is Kate still hasn't come to terms with him and I. She hasn't texted or called and as much as I want to I don't, giving her her space.

I find myself sobbing about both situations, one minute missing Tamir and the next crying harder about Kate.

I try finding joy in the little things, like making coffee for my other regular customers, seeing the little kids and giving them free cookies, seeing Tamir's men and baking for them extras so they can take home.

I had a life before Tamir, I try getting back to it, even so my life before Tamir consisted of Kate.

The second week passes with contact from neither of them so after a closed shift on the Saturday, I take myself roller skating. I didn't realize Kate's wrath could hold on till this long, and I just wanted to tell her.

I skate to the middle then just sit before laying down and pretend all is well, a world I haven't visited in a while. A world where my parents are still here, my brother too, a world where Kate isn't mad at me and Tamir is back.

The plan was to try save the guy, not get attached then yearn for him like he's my life source.

"I thought you were dead for a second." My eyes open to the voice, a blonde with baby blue eyes stares down at me. "You look dead from afar." I watch her disappear then she lies down opposite me taking in a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry Kate." Tears fall out unwillingly. "I ruined everything."

"Not everything." She takes in a breath. "Stop talking like that. I just had the worst week of my life, my dad he called me up for dinner and I was like sure, little did I know, he invited that cousin I kissed. I sat through a whole dinner uncomfortably.

"I was bubbling to tell you about it but then I remembered, your boyfriend's in the mafia." Her voice goes rigid. "How are you and Tyson?"

"He left," I sniff. "On a business trip and he didn't even tell me."

"He didn't take you is the problem here." She pauses. "If I were a mafia leader and I had a hot babe like you, I would take you everywhere with me." I feel a shadow on my face and open my blurry eyes to her watching over me. "Did he...did you guys do it?"

"No," I shake my head. I try explaining in vague words exactly what happened.

"You always do this to yourself," she sighs, "you get attached as soon as it turns physical." She shuffles around taking my hands. "Sit up."

"I don't want to." I whine and she drags me up. She close our gap into a tight hug and I cry a little in her clothes. "I think I drove him away!" I sob. "I'm trying too hard yet I still...I can't..I won't give up on him."

"No text?" I shake my head. "No calls?" I do it again. "That's some tuff love."

"I'm truly sorry," I pull away rubbing my eyes dry. "About your cousin I mean."

"Girl! You Don't know the last of it." She starts to go on and I'm very grateful, I don't want to have another crying session about Tamir.

Tamir's POV.

I land finally back from the two and a half week trip. I check my phone going to Halcyon's contact then read the previous messages, she must be fuming with the way that I left her.

I call up Kent to ask if she's working and he tells me she is, I double check the time to see I can make it in time for six and end up driving right to her from the airport.

I make it six on the dot and wonder in to see it's not as busy, just like usual. Even though I half expected her to be out front she's nowhere to be found, I take my seat in the usual spot and wait to be served by her.

"Good afternoon sir, would you be having the usual?" One of her employees comes up to me instead.

"What happened to your boss?" I question.

"She's currently held up at the back and asked me to assist you." In other words, she's avoiding me.

"In that case yes, the usual." I nod and he wonders off.

I've had a lot of time to think about her over my time apart, in most of my updates about her, she's been doing fine, down but fine. But with a heart like hers I didn't expect her to be this mad.

I send my usual hour there then leave joining Kent in the car, I lean back resting my head and just wait her hours out until she's done, I can catch her then.

Unfortunately even after her bestfriend is already waiting for her as she finally comes out the shop. To my surprise she's seems to smash both our separate styles on her, a bodycon dress that reaches her knees.

They're sharing a conversation as she turns to flip her hair behind her back, a smile stretches on her lips flashing her white teeth and something in my chest drops. I haven't seen her for over two weeks and seeing her smile like that...I don't know how to react.

They start their walk home and we're left in the car until the blonde girl finally walks back out her apartment building. I wait it out a few more minutes before leaving and going in myself.

She's going to be upset, I need to handle everything that she's about to throw at me. She has to say something right?

I knock. She has to knows it's me, who else would come unannounced at this time? The door opens.

There she stands, in a two piece white velvet set. Her face has healed, I know this because her natural pigmented cheeks are back. Her hair is flowing past her shoulder with my necklace around her neck and I'm stuck not knowing what to say anything.

"Halcyon," I start, I can see it in her eyes. She's more then just mad at me. "I'm so sor-" my face is sent to one side by a stinging strike. I was so relaxed I didn't even think to clench my jaw. Fuck this stings.

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