Part 26

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He drops that piece just to pick up another and do the same thing. "You smell like...lavender." He picks up another curl. "Did you know... Lavender oil can be used to soothe aching muscles and joints.

"It can reduce anxiety and stress, and to induce sleep. It is a commonly used ingredient in potpourri, you know what that is right? Nectar from lavender plants are used to make high quality honey."

"What flower book did you swallow?" He chuckles at my comment, I notice how both sides of his lips are tugged slightly by a hidden grin as he keeps tangling his finger around the ends of my hair.

He takes a deep breath. Something about the way he's eyes keep shut mesmerizes me, his lashes, longer then mine, flutter a little before opening again to look at me. If only I could read eyes, if I could I'd probably be able to translate what he's eyes are trying to tell me.

His eyes, they fall to my lips and the temptation to lick them comes over me. I can't tell if I'm imagining it but, I think he tilts his head a little-"We're going to head out!" I turn to the girls voice.

She's dragging her significant other by the hand with a grin, I scan the room to see that now that they're leaving, it'll be just Tamir and his men left. Kent's by the door and a few other of the men that stayed at my place are scattered around the room.

A finger redirects my head back to the same dark eyes and he doesn't even give me time to process what's happening before he claims my lips. My face burns at his soft lips and I forget how to act. I forget how to simply breath and I have to pull away to do so.

"Sorry," I tuck my head trying to catch my breath. "You caught me by surprise." I don't meet his eyes trying to hide the red in my face. My legs get hauled over his thigh pulling me closer to him.

I watch how his fingertips starts to create disoriented pattens on my knee, his whole hand takes over running down my thigh and freezing me in action. His slips his ring finger under the material of my skirt and follows it with his middle and index.

"I've never seen you so angry." He leans forward making me sink into the couch. The memory of me punching him right in the jaw plays back and as a result, my right hand starts to throb.

"I don't usually get so violent, I'm truly sorry for ever laying a hand on you. That wasn't my place." He keeps teasing the end of my skirt and I pick my head scanning his arm then his shoulder then his eyes.

"Where was that punch when you needed it in the ring?" He's now tracing the outline of my bruised knuckles. I part my lips to say something, anything, but "I don't know." isn't a good answer. "How much of that anger are you bottling up?" He asks glancing up at me.

"I don't bottle up anything." I'm not particularly angry with him, sometimes it has nothing to do with him. But yes, lately it has been about him and his psychotic ways.

"Hm, that's a lie." He goes back to the end of my skirt. "At first, I used to think it was an act-you being happy all the time-but then I watched you." His eyes find mine. "You're always smiling. It's contagious." The fact that he says the last part more swiftly makes me smile.

"Yeah?" He looks up at me and my smile grows. "I've never been told that." An invisible sting tugs at his lip as he keeps watching me. He leans in, this time when he kisses me I'm not surprised or taken back, I respond with the same desire.

He takes a side of my face in his hand and with one of my hands I follow him resting my hand on top, with my other hand I run it to his side and try tug him closer to me. In an instant he's gone, lips off mine, my eyes spring open and I'm scanning him.

His expression is tight like his eyes. "Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?" I pull away, he doesn't respond and I leave my hands together. "I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean too,"

"It wasn't you." His tone has gone cold. "My injuries have nothing to do with you."

I should leave it alone, keep it simple as that, but the other night replays into my head. "But-" Should I even bring it up? I'm not trying to have him throw me again, instead I drop my eyes to my necklace and fiddle with that.

"Was it important?" I assume he's questioning me on what I was going to shake so I shake my head. "Say it."

"You're just-" I decided to sugarcoat it. "You're just so unpredictable. One minute you're good to me and the next you're cold, I don't know wether you're going to make me witness something gruesome or-I-It's just scary sometimes."

I don't want to meet his eyes, his silence is enough for me to realize I must have said something wrong. "I...I didn't...I didn't mean it like that." I play with the end of my skirt regretting ever bringing it up. "I'm sorry."

"You should go shopping," he changes the subject completely but I don't miss his cold tone he uses, "it'll take your mind off my unpredictability." He moves my legs off of him.

"I really didn't mean to-"

"Take her shopping," he waves a hand towards Kent and I look up to him standing above us.

"Tamir I..." he won't meet my eyes, I drop my whole apology and decide to stand following Kent. When I'm close enough to the door I take my last glance to see he's actually watching me go.

Way to go Halcyon, how did I mess that up?!

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