Part 22

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I'm back in the room I was first invited in, nothing has change yet everything about my first time here weighs heavy on my shoulders.

I remember how vulnerable I was in the bed with him towering over me, then I glance to the couch where we had our first kiss, back to the bed where I cried the most. Already the air around me has changed and I do not want to be here. At all.

"Here." I turn to Kent, I drop my eyes to his hand where he's holding a dress and a small bag on top of it. "He wants you to be ready by nine."

"Um, thank you." I take it, I know damn well I don't need so much time to put this on. I move to the bathroom anyways. The counter is topped with hair products form straighteners to curling irons to hair spray, I don't need this much stuff. Doesn't mean I won't use it.

I take my time to curl the ends of my hair giving it just a little life, then easily slip the dress on. Although it's a satin shirt dress, it hugs all my possible curves, which aren't many, and adds volume to my chest.

There's a slit on my right thigh preventing it form riding up, I sure hope I doesn't, I couldn't even bend in this. I keep the necklace as my only jewelry and then scan myself. The bruising around my neck faded into a light yellow making it easier for me to cover up with makeup.

My bathroom door opens without warning and I spin towards it, it's just Tamir. His eyes scan my body filling his eyes with impatience and need. "Are we leaving?" I try getting his attention back to me but his eyes seem to stop right where my dress does. Mid thigh.

He takes a step forward and I'm reluctant wanting to take one back. He's become so unpredictable, I don't know what to expect. He stops in front of me. "Princess," he takes my face in his hands. "The other night I wanted to ap-"

"Forget about it," I cut him off. "It's okay, please just don't bring it up." I give him a fragile smile mirroring just how I feel.

"I think you'll love tonight." He gives me a full smile, something in me knots up making me uneasy.

"Really?" I try fake me amusement, "What's happening tonight?"

"I'm putting you in the ring." Why does he sound so...happy? The knot tightens some more, I'm going to puke. "You can feel the excitement! You'll love it I swear! It's better then watching." Nod idiot, nod! I'm nodding.

"Come let's go! I can't wait to see you in the ring!" The ring... He takes my hand and is leading me out, he helps me slip on flats then blindfolds me. Don't cry don't cry don't cry. I have to beg myself with all my might no to shed a tear.

What terrifies me the most is that he seemed genuinely pleased with his idea, like it would bring me joy, like he's doing something good for me. I couldn't even contradict him and now that I haven't, I'm so panic-stricken that I can't say a word.

"My men fight to their deaths." He once said. Am I going to have to fight to my death? Or kill another man...will I be going against a man?! I'd rather eat a bullet to the back then fight a man twice my size.

It's all a haze, I'm let in and then Tamir says something in my ear, I just nod. Then I'm lead away, into a changing room and given sports clothes, I slip out my dress then freeze looking at the shorts and sports bra. A knock, I think someone is knocking.

I see Kent in the mirror and I turn to him. I can't hide it anymore, tears fall out unwillingly. "I-I can't do this-" I sniff catching my breath mid sentence, I drop eyes on my hands and empty my eyes. "I c-can't fight."

My hair is dragged up but I can't even bring myself to face Kent. "Stop crying." I try at his words, I really do but I can't. He pulls my hair into a high ponytail. "Give my your hands." I don't even have to reach out, he take my hands himself.

"Basic rules: kill or be killed. In your case, the circumstances have changed." I sniff, he continues. "The opponent you're up against is the same size as you, same hight too, however she's a little heavier meaning her punches might just do more damage.

"Dodge. As best as you can. Keep dodging though and you'll bore the crowd, you have to get in some punches yourself." While he's been speaking, he's always been wrapping my hands up. I blink out more tears. God this is happening too fast.

"Remember no breaks so keep your stamina up, tire your opponent out if you need to." He does my second hand, by then I've managed to calm down.

"I don't know how to fight." My voice is shaky but it's out there. "Literally," I meet his eyes. "I'm fast on my feet, that's why my brother trained me to run- I can't fight." I almost sob again. Kent's hands drop and he moves to grab a towel.

He wipes the bottom of my eyes "Cry in that ring and you'll get laughed at." With force he taps my head twice causing me to blink hard. "Get your head in the game." He warps the towel around my neck and I drop my eyes to my warped hands.

"You don't have to know how to fight, your instinct will kick in." He's leading me out. Kent reminds me of my brother, they almost have the same soul. They talk to same, look out for me the same way, it's like Liam's here in spirit, through Kent.

It feel nice to be reminded of him, his kindness and hardheaded spirit lingering in the air. However, I don't think that'll get me through tonight.

People are already roaring.

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