Part 74

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Tamir's POV.

How could any man possibly mess up and proposal?! I don't even know why I made it the last thing I said to her, now it's going to kill me not knowing her response.

I move to Ryuki's finding him just at the steps of his entrance, waiting. "Found her?"

"Yes," I sit next to him. "She was out till morning...looking for the ring."

"Ah," he leans back on his elbows.

"And she found it, still convinced they were earrings." I listen to him laugh.

"That one's got spirit, I like her," that's what I've been trying to tell her but she just doesn't seem to believe it. I let out a short breath picking my head up to distance steps coming our way. Sierra.

"So how'd it go?" She stops at the foot of the steps. "Did she say yes?" I shrug not knowing how to answer. "That's not good. Maybe I should talk to her."

"Yeah, not happening." I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Why not?"

"She's...not ready for that."

"Ugh," she sits at the last step. "I need a drink." For a second we're all silent before she breaks the silence once more. "That sucks, killing your past lover just to lose your present one."

"We're done talking about this." I've had enough of Halcyon as a subject. "Where's Mori?"

"Sorting papers in the back office." I stand at her words. "Have fun."

"Mm-hm." I wonder off into the sand. Usually I would go inside as it's the faster way to the back office, but something about bumping into Halcyon doesn't sound like such a good idea right now.

I find him and decide to make myself useful until the sun starts to set and dinner is almost ready. We finally leave together and rejoin the rest of my sibling.

The closer I get the better I see all our partners already sitting down at their given spots. From the back I can tell Halcyon's wearing a white cropped top, and just at her waist sits the start of a pink skirt.

"Hey," I place my hands on her shoulder form behind before leaning in and around to her cheek, she turns her head a little accepting the quick peck.

"Hey," she watches me sit close to her, "where'd you go?"

"I was with Mori, my cousin." I scan the front of her seeing her skirt has a slit to it, the start of the slit decorated by buttons before. She nods turning back to the others sitting down. I extend my arm out resting it across the shoulders of her chair scanning for her left hand.

In response she leans back into me before resting her own right hand on my knee. she's not mad at me. Her white nails, that she scratches into me most night of passions, tap lightly one after the other.

"You changed," I break our silence wanting to hear her voice.

"Yeah," she meets my eyes, "Elizabeth came to find me a little later and then we stayed by the beach close to the water where Miles and Angel were aggressively playing with the water." She's seems more at ease, composed. "I don't know how I got dragged into it but my clothes got all wet."

I watch how the side of her face is lit by the torches we're using as a light source, the sun has gone down and we're eating outside. "Yeah?" Her doll like eyes stare up at me. "So you and Elizabeth seem to get along."

"Yeah," she smiles at me, "she's nicer to me."

"And the others?" We're whispering.

"I still don't think they like me, although they did help me look for the ring..." her sentence dies down.

"And after that?"

"They took me around, showing me more than I can imagine. This place is really beautiful! I can't believe this is where you guys actually meet up for family getaways."

"You think so?" I mirror her smile. Delicately I push a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I remember how often I used to get lost around here," my eyes drop to her lips, "it still happens."

"You do?" Subconsciously she bows her head to me probably to hide her blushing cheeks.

"If you love it here, I should take you to Egypt. It's so beautiful there, you'll fall for the city by just the pictures."

"We should really pursue that travelling dreams of yours, I bet you'll love my hometown. I'll be a great tour guide."

"You remembered that?"

"Yeah," she does a nervous laugh. "I mean, you barely went into any details but yeah." Her eyes drop but mine stay on her.

This is why I'm in love with her. She doesn't know it but, I would go insane if she leaves me now, now that I'm trying to be better, if she goes I'll lose my path and motivation. She's helping me more then she lets herself believe.

It's not long before the food comes. The hushed conversation between each couple grows into a group discussion followed by many laughter. Halcyon too seems to be enjoying herself more then she was yesterday.

Just then, I catch a glimpse of something. Her left hand, ring finger, is the engagement ring I brought for her. Immediately my heart bursts in a blaze.

She's wearing the ring.

"I need to go use the bathroom," she tells me and I dart my eyes away from her hand before she can catch me. "Excuse me," she excuse herself from the table.

Abruptly my mind erupts into a fit of questions. Why is she wearing the ring I gave her? How could she say yes after that poor show of a proposal? Is this even a yes from her?

I wait it out a while before going after her for answers.

"Hey?" She's moving towards me when I find her. "Is dinner over-" I grab her hand dragging her back into the direction she just came from, "woah! Where are we goi-" my lips cut her off.

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