Part 53

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Halcyon's POV.

I can't mix work with my personal life, but seeing Tamir at six on the dot, really riles me up, so much I heat his coffee more then I need too then serve it to him.

Keeping it professional until I'm closing up for then night. I'm double checking the coffee machines and shutting all the blinds when a knock comes at the door, because I'm closing I locked it earlier.

"My love," he walks in and I shut the door after him.

"I'll just go get my bag." I tell him and start to move past him.

"You're still mad," my wrist is tugged making me spin back to him.

"Nope." I look down at his hand.

"Yes you are."

"No," I pull free, "I'm not." He turns and a click of the door locking rings in the air.

"Prove it to me." He walks past me taking my wrist once more.

"How am I supposed to prove it to you?" I follow behind him.

"Get on," he nods to the table he always has his coffee.


"How about you be a good girl and listen the first time?" He snakes his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him then takes it upon himself to lift me on the table. "Can you do that from now on?"

My eyes drop to his lips as he hovers over me. "This is my work place," I speak slowly lifting my eyes to meet his, "I can't do anything here."

"Yeah?" His lips brush on mine and I lean back onto my hands. I'm wearing a cute red dress that ruffles and has flowers splashed all over it, he takes that as an invitation to run his hand up my thigh. "Why are you looking at me like that then?"

"Like what?" My breathing shakes feeling him rub on my bud. "Tamir..." I place a hand on his chest to stop him, or push him away, but I don't. I'm too distracted.

My thighs are gripped before he ducks out of view. "Your body tells me something else." I stick my eyes to the ceiling knowing if I look down I'll only catch him admire my cunt. My cheeks burn. "Not embarrassed are you?"

"Don't say it like that." I dart my eyes to my counter turning away form him.

"You're dripping wet," he slips two fingers on the curtains of my pussy exposing myself more. My skin has never burned hotter. "Look at you. Would you like me to clean this up for you? Or would you rather I put my dick in you?"

I know the longer I stay quiet the more he'll stay down there, teasing me. "Clean me up please." Gosh, why do I sound so desperate?

"As you wish my love," with one stroke of his tongue I feel myself twitch. Of course he would enjoy this, but the noise I'm making doesn't compare. I throw my head back running my hand through the front of his hair.

"Ah!" I snap my legs shut to him hitting a good spot but he only uses that to his advantage putting me on his shoulders. "Oh my..." my toes curl in my shoes and I ache my back to his tongue.

"Open your mouth," he stands leaning into my body. I do as I'm told, sticking my tongue out for him. "Wider," his thumb parts my lips more and tilts my head up.

He sticks his own out once more and a trial of my own juices trials off his tongue and drips onto mine before he takes me into a kiss. "If only you could see," he kisses me harder, "how beautiful you look right now."

I reach for his waist going to his trousers and start undoing them, I know I said I didn't want to, not here, but in this moment, blinded by the wet kiss, I want nothing more. "I want you..." my eyes flutter open to watch him, his eyes are shut but the corner of his lip curls into a smirk. "I want to feel you...inside me."

My hands starts to massage his shaft before he takes it upon himself to lean into my body making me put all the weight on my hands. His kisses get hungrier, I move myself forward before tugging him closer to me.

The tip of him teases my pussy lips as he slowly enters me.

Three hard knocks sound at the door.

Tamir continues to kiss me as I moan into his mouth at his full entrance. His hips start to move. Bang! Bang! Bang! I look over at the door pulling away from him. "Fuck," he breaths irritated, "what do they want?"

He moves out of me and tucks himself in, I watch him move away from me crossing my ankles. He goes behind him and takes his gun out. "What?" He doesn't open the door wide enough for me to see who it is.

"Sorry sir but," the voice I recognize yet I can't put a name to it, his voice drops to a mutter. A random wave comes over my body makes me press my knees together. I look back over at him. He's not going to I leave me like this is he?

He communicates a stiff nod before shutting the door with his back to me then he locks it. My eyes drop to the gun he has in hand, he's gripping onto it like it's his life source...a dangerous life source.

"Is there something wrong?" There has to be. Something in our air has changed.

"You locked the back?" He ignores my questions asking another.

"The back?" I shift my gaze towards the back of the shop. "Yeah I locked the back."

"Go check again."

"Why?" I turn back to him, only half of him is now facing me.

"Check again." He points to the direction with his gun. "It's not that hard of a task Halcyon."

"Gosh! If you wanted me out the room, all you had to do was say that." I jump of the table and start moving to the back, then recall his impulsive decision making yesterday. "You can be so difficult sometimes." I move out of sight.

Like told, I check the back door before checking the emergency doors to makes sure everything is secured.

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