Chapter 2: Serena's Home

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Hello everyone, Happy 2022! So I finally have a day off work, so what better way to celebrate than to write another chapter of Our Promise, Our Future. I've spent the last few days outlining how this story will go, but of course I'll consider all of your suggestions too. But without further adew, here is the 2nd chapter!

After their emotional talk the previous night, Ash and Serena have grown even closer towards each other. Clemont and Bonnie quickly took note of this when it was time to eat breakfast. While Clemont was slightly uncomfortable, Bonnie couldn't stop giggling and tease Serena. Nonetheless, the two siblings were very happy to see them happy. The group finished up breakfast, to which Ash volunteered to help clean the dishes with Bonnie wanting to help, which surprised everyone. This gave Serena and Clemont a few minutes to talk to the other.

"I'm sorry for all the teasing Bonnie is giving you, I have no idea where she gets it from."

"Its ok Clemont, I know she only does it to have fun" Serena said with a smile. 'Although not doing it at all is fun too...' Serena thought to herself.

"So anyway, what do you plan on doing next?" Clemont asked.


"I mean what are you going to do now now that both the Master Class and Kalos League are over?"

Serena didn't need to think very hard about what she wanted to do.

"I'm gonna continue to travel with Ash, no matter where he goes."

Clemont was a little surprised at this.

"But what about your showcases? Or your interest in trying Pokemon Contests? Are you really going to leave that behind?"

"Of course not. I'm not gonna just quit. But, I just...I just want to spend time with Ash for now. I want to cheer him on whenever he battles, to help him train if he needs it, and to do whatever I can to make him happy" Serena replied.

Serena glanced at Ash, he was handing a wet plate for Bonnie to dry off. She turned her head back to face Clemont again.

"I'll figure it out, so don't worry Clemont."

Clemont mostly seemed satisfied with her decision, but decided to just leave it at that. He just nodded his head with a smile.

Once the dishes were clean and everything was packed, the group left their hotel. They stopped by Professor Sycamore's lab before they left the city. The professor once again congratulated Ash on his victory as well as his new relationship with Serena. He and Alain also shook hands, Alain saying he better not hope their next battle will turn out the same, to which Ash declared he wouldn't lose.

Serena was saying goodbye to Mairin, who she has grown close to. Mairin thanked her for giving her her PokePuffs recipe, and for saving the sweets that she almost burned during the party. After their goodbyes they all headed to Route 4. However as they left, Serena could've sworn she saw Mairin holding Alain's hand.

Throughout the whole trip Serena held onto Ash's left arm and rested her head on his shoulder, sighing every now and then. Ash was blushing in embarrassment, but didn't push her away. In fact, he welcomed it, like a part of him had always wanted Serena to do that. After stopping by Santalune City and saying hi to Alexa and Viola, the group continued onward. Eventually they started to see landmarks that Serena recognized.

"We're almost there" Serena said with a hint of excitement.

"I sure hope so..." Clemont moaned. His arms were practically dangling like paper blowing in the wind.

"Geez Clemont, we haven't even done any running, why are you out of it already?" Bonnie asked.

"When you get older you'll know how it feels" Clemont shot back. The two siblings then entered a little sibling spat. Ash and Serena saw this and left them to sort it out.

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