Chapter 16: Island Challenge - MeleMele Island Part II

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It was the dead of night in Alola. Darkness mostly engulfed the Pokemon Center where Ash and the others were staying. After Ash's victory, if it can be called that, in his first Trial, he plans to set his sights on his first Grand Trial. However, as he laid in his bed, his mind just kept repeating the events that had happened. He still felt so horrible, recklessly letting Greninja get hurt just to win. Even though Greninja told him he didn't blame him, it didn't make much of a difference in his mind. Ash's eyes suddenly widened. He had heard Greninja talking to him right? And Greninja heard him too right? There were so many questions on his mind that sleep was nearly impossible. He decided to get up and go to the dining area of the Pokemon Center to grab a little snack. Before he left he stopped by the room that housed his injured loved ones.

He walked up and saw Serena soundly asleep on her side, almost peaceful looking. He glanced downward and saw Vulpix curled up against her stomach. He looked to her back and saw Delphox wrapping her in a tight embrace. He could faintly make out tear stains on Delphox's face. It didn't take a genius to realize Delphox had been crying her eyes out all this time. Ash frowned, he felt awful all over again. He decided to leave before he wasn't able to. He walked down the hallway and made it to the Dining area. He walked up to the vending machines and grabbed a bag of chips and a bottled water. He sat down at a nearby table and started to eat in silence. He suddenly felt a tingling sensation overtake him. He turned around and saw Greninja leaning against the doorway.

'You should be sleeping' Ash thought, waiting to see if Greninja could hear him. Greninja started to walk towards Ash.

'I would say you should be too, but I think we both know why we aren't' Greninja answered back. 

Ash patted the seat right next to him, which Greninja accepted. Ash held up his bag of chips.

'You want some?'

Greninja reached into the bag and grabbed a couple chips and ate them. The two sat in silence.

'Look, Ash, I know this has been eating you up but don't let one injury dismay you.'

Ash sighed. 'I know it shouldn't, but what I did was so reckless and irresponsible. I willingly let you get seriously hurt! How am I supposed to live with that?!'

'Ash I--'

'And I just stood by as Serena got hurt! I'm supposed to protect her! What kind of boyfriend am I?!' Ash slammed his fist against the table. "I'm still just a worthless idiot" he whispered.

Once again Greninja did something he wasn't really known to do. He pulled Ash into a tight embrace, wrapping one arm around his back and the other behind his head. Ash froze at this action. Greninja began to speak.

'Ash, please don't do this to yourself. What happened was my choice too. I'm willing to face the consequences for it. Not for me, not for Serena, not even for Delphox, only for you.'

Ash's eyes widened with each new word. Greninja didn't stop.

'Its just like what you said back in Pallet Town. I helped make your dream come true. And you helped make my dream come true. You and I faced many hardships throughout our time in Kalos. We both became stronger together, we became champions. And we both found the ones we want to spend the rest of our lives with.' He slowly ended the embrace. He continued to look at Ash as he finished speaking his mind (literally). 'Ash I...I know I'll never have the same bond you and Pikachu share, or the bond you and Serena share, but I just want you to know how I see you. You mean more to me, then you'll ever know.'

Ash stared at Greninja in shock. There was a brief pause before Ash did something Greninja didn't expect. Ash gently placed his forehead on top of Greninja's. He smiled as spoke with his eyes close.

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