Chapter 40: One Last Day

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Hello everyone! I'm here with another chapter for you all. I can't believe I've written 40 chapters now! This is the most involved story I've written since, well...ever! This specific chapter will be a bridge chapter (so to speak), which roughly means that this chapter will lead right into the next major story arc, which will be the most impactful one for the Alola part of the overall story. I'll tell a little bit more about the arc at the end of this chapter. Well I better end this before I spoil too much, so enjoy the chapter!

It's been a little over a week since Ash and Serena returned from Ula Ula Island. Ash didn't slack off, he's been training his Alola caught Pokemon every day since.

'Just one more island to go, then it's the Island Challenge Championships' Ash said.

Serena sat on the porch steps watching Ash train. It got her thinking about something.

'I wonder...if I really can be a great battler like Ash...'

She sighed as she thought this. She suddenly felt a paw on her shoulder. She turned to see Delphox looking down at her and smiling.

'Of course you can. If anyone can, it's definitely you.' Serena looked at Delphox in shock. Don't you remember? You cleared that Trial all by yourself, Ash didn't even lift a finger, because he believed you could do it. And he was right, wasn't he?'

Serena's eyes glistened at her partner's words. She did have a point, Ash didn't physically help her at all, she did everything all on her own.

'You're a lot stronger than you realize Serena. Think of everything you've accomplished both in Kalos and Alola. Do you still think you're not as good as Ash?'

Serena just stared in awe at Delphox, tears forming in her eyes. She suddenly smiled and wiped her tears away. She got up and hugged Delphox.

'Thank you Delphox, that means so much.'

Delphox returned her hug and held her close.

'You're precious partner.'

The two said nothing after that, they just stood there in a caring embrace. Ash and Greninja saw this and smiled. Ash turned his head towards Greninja.

'Hey Greninja—'

Before he could finish, Greninja patted his shoulder a couple times and proceeded to walk away, leaving Ash confused.

Eventually all of Ash's Pokemon were granted a break. Silvally went to the porch and laid down. Lycanroc started digging in the sand for some reason. Mimikyu and Passimian started to build a sand castle. Pikachu joined Ash and Serena on a walk, as Sylveon was taking a nap. Decidueye flew up to the roof and sat in the edge. The memory still echoed in his head.

"I've never had feelings for him. Who'd have feelings for a hooded weirdo like him?"

Decidueye silently chuckled. "Yeah...sounds about right..."

Serena's Pokemon were also relaxing from a little training. Pancham was sparring with Kartana to work on close combat. Ninetails was tending to the garden with Burnet. Delphox and Greninja were also sparring with each other, the former teasing him by calling this a date. Brionne had been swimming to work on some water training.

She eventually popped up to surface and noticed Decidueye sitting on the roof. She suddenly grew sad. She'd been trying to apologize to him but was too ashamed to barely even be around him. She knew she had broken his heart, the memory of his face upon hearing what she had said about him played repeatedly in her mind. She had been crying herself to sleep ever since. She decided to seek advice from one of her teammates.

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