Chapter 6: The Morning After

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Heyyo dear readers! I'm back with another chapter of Our Promise, Our Future! This chapter is mainly going to be comfort themed. I know I did that in Chapter 1, but I feel like getting emotionally invested into characters are very important, and that includes writing emotional chapters. But, what makes me the most excited about writing this chapter, is that I'm finally going to start exploring the other couples' relationships (Greninja/Delphox, Pikachu/Sylveon)! So I hope you all enjoy the next chapter of Our Promise, Our Future!

It was a cloudy morning in Pallet Town, like a reminder of the events that transpired yesterday. Delia was at the kitchen table, her hands holding up her head, like she was in deep thought. All she could think about was how the party she helped plan fall apart so fast, and mainly by the girl she thought of as a daughter. But now, she saw her as...she couldn't even think of the right word for it. When Ash explained what happened with Misty to her and Serena, their reactions were vastly different, yet still the same. However, Ash then began to recollect all the memories he had with Misty's treatment of him in the past, memories he tried to forget, as to not let that ruin their friendship. He couldn't keep it inside anymore. He told them everything. Her insults, her attitude, her acts of violence, her initial treatment of Butterfree and bug types as a whole, every instance he could remember, he confessed it.

Delia, of course, was shocked and horrified after hearing all of it. How could any human being act like that towards others, let alone her son? She felt a sharp object pierce her heart, a feeling of betrayal and guilt overtaking her. She didn't know what to think. She did know however that if she ever saw Misty again she would unleash her fury upon her, a sentiment that was shared by Mimey. 

Upstairs, Ash was still asleep. Serena however, wasn't. She had woken up earlier, and couldn't fall back to sleep. She just stared at Ash's sleeping face, and focused on his cheek. In her mind, it was a permanent reminder of her first encounter with Misty. When she first met Misty she didn't think much of her other than her being a friend of Ash's. However, that quickly changed when Ash confessed that Misty had hit him. In that instance, she thought back to their encounter.

*Yesterday during the party*

Serena was on a mission, a mission to get answers and dish out punishment. After Ash confessed to Misty assaulting him, she began to hunt her down. She decided to go in the direction Ash came from. After a couple minutes of walking, she made it to the spot where Ash had been. And sure enough, there she was. She slowly started to walk up to her. Upon hearing the noise, Misty turned around, her face still plastered with anger from Ash's rejection. Upon seeing her, Misty scowled.

"Oh great, its you" she scuffed.

Serena said nothing. She just stood there motionless. Misty didn't seem intimidated by this, so she continued.

"Let me guess, your little 'Pokemon Master' came crying to you after I knocked some sense into his nonexistent brain."

Serena still said nothing.

"If you knew what he was like starting out, you would've dumped him in a heartbeat."

Serena started to clench her fists.

"I'm surprised that idiot even won a league, but I guess even a loser can be a winner sometimes."

Serena's fists tightened even more.

"Looking back now, I don't even know what I saw in him in the first place. I guess his stupidity had something to do with it."

Serena was about ready to burst.

"If I were him, I would've just given up."

That did it. She had just signed her own death certificate.

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