Chapter 27: Ash's Birthday

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry this chapter took so long, I've been brainstorming how this would play out, and I've already got a fair amount of it planned, some of the stuff that will happen will probably be on the spot. I'm really happy how popular Chapter 5 turned out, so I figured I could do Ash's birthday in a similar way. I can assure you though that a certain former water type companion will not be present in this one. After this chapter I'll probably write one more chapter before starting the next arc, which has graduated from being a mini arc to a major story arc, no spoilers though. I think that's all for now, I'll see you at the end A/N. Enjoy the chapter!

*September 13th*

The morning Sun entered the loft. It beamed down and met the face of a certain birthday boy. He was lightly snoring until the light got too intense. He turned away and accidentally swung his arm to the side. His eyes shot open, thinking he accidentally just smacked Serena. He was about to apologize when he realized she wasn't there. He looked around the room and saw no one else there either. This confused him, but he just assumed everyone else was up and just let him sleep. He decided to get and join the others. He grabbed his usual clothes and headed towards the bathroom. He didn't see anybody along the way which confused but continued to just shrug it off. After exiting the shower and getting dressed, he made his way into the kitchen, and was once again met with nobody.

'What the heck is going on? Where is everyone?'

He searched around for any signs of life but found nothing. Ash was starting to get a little worried.

'Did they go somewhere and leave me?' He suddenly got an idea. He closed his eyes and started to concentrate. 'Greninja, are you there? Where are you?'

Nothing. Now Ash was starting to get annoyed.

'Dammit, where is everyone??'

He decided to check outside next. Once outside, he found Silvally resting on the porch. Ash smiled.

"Hey Silvally!"

Silvally turned its head back and saw its trainer smiling. Silvally got up and greeted Ash with a head rub and a grunt. Ash stroked its head in return. After this brief exchange, Ash and Silvally broke apart.

"Where is everyone Silvally? I can't find anyone."

Silvally tilted its head in confusion. It let out a grunt that Ash presumed was an "I don't know". Ash sighed.

"Well then how bout we look together?"

Silvally nodded in agreement. The two searched the surrounding area but found nothing. Silvally motioned it's front claw in the direction of the Pokemon school.

"Good thinking Silvally."

The two began to walk towards the school. They made small conversation until Silvally suddenly stopped. Ash noticed this and stopped to look at it.

"Silvally? What's wrong?"

Silvally suddenly jumped up and unleashed an Air Slash from the top of its head. It hit a tree but it didn't break it. It came back down and started walking again, a very confused Ash following.

Eventually the two made it to the front of the school. It looked deserted but the two made their way in. The halls were quiet, so quiet a pin drop could easily be heard. They checked each room, all empty. The last room left was the main classroom. Ash opened the door. Nothing at first. Suddenly the lights came on and confetti shot out and people and Pokémon jumped up.


Ash nearly fell backwards, but Silvally prevented him from falling. After recovering, Ash grew confused.

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