Random outsiders learn that owen has children plus other stuff i guess

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Father role:Owen
Aunt role:Graecie
Child role oldest:Rasbi 19
Child role middle:Apo 17
Child role middle:Mowhee 15
Child role middle:Magic 13
Child role youngest:Oeca 10

Magic ran into Owen excitedly "Heya kiddo" said Owen ruffling her hair and then kneeling down "What's up?" He asked warmly smiling. "Dad I'm excited rasbi and Apo are holding a talent show" said Magic.

"Ahh that's cool kiddo but we really should move this inside before someone sees us" said Owen chuckling "what's so embarrassing on being a father figure for multiple people?" Asked Magic Owen shrugged "Graecie would never let me hear the end of it" said Owen chuckling as the pair went inside.

Rasbi was waiting inside "Heya Owen" she said "How did you get in here?" Asked Owen "Magic's window or as I like to call it rasbis door" said Rasbi. "I'm closing my window" said Magic as Owen looked at her.

"Why does Magic get a room in here but I don't?" Asked Rasbi "Ummm she asked for one that's litteray the only reason it's there" said Owen. "Oh" said Rasbi laughing at herself.

Owen smiled slightly as long as she doesn't know I consider Magic my child all should be good. Rasbi sighed and threw a letter at him "Why do you have some of my paperwork?" Asked Owen "This paperwork just says hello Owen I'm adopted by you now you don't have a choice signed Magic" said Rasbi looking at him.

"I don't know what your talking about" said Owen snatching the paper Rasbi sighed at him "sure you don't dad" teased Rasbi handing him a letter and walking out the front door.


Owen sat at the guard post as Magic ran up to him and tackled him followed by Mowhee and Oeca also tackling on him.

"And hello to you guys to" said Owen chuckling ruffling there hair one by one. "Anyways what brings you guys to my job?" Asked Owen "We're hungry" said Mowhee.

"Wait we're out of food?" Asked Owen sighing he looked around unsure of what to do "Magic your friends with Graecie right?" Asked Owen kneeling down again. "Yeah" she said he sighed "Alright I want you guys to go to Graecies and tell them Owen said to stay him while he does something and for the love of god do not mention I am your father" said Owen they all nodded and started walking towards Graecies house.

"Now where the hell am I gonna get enough food to feed 3 people" asked Owen walking toward the fruit trio bunker he went down and started making Raspberry pie. "If I tell them it's rasbi pie there not gonna think there actually eating rasbi right?" He asked sighing.

Magic arrived at Graecies with her siblings and told Graecie Owen said they needed to go here while he took care of something she nodded and let them in.

"Why do you guys obey Owen so easily anyway?" Asked Graecie Rasbi entered from upstairs"oh hey sis" she said towards Magic sighing and then realised her mistake. "GRAECIE YOU HEARD NOTHING FROM ME" rasbi said and ran back up stairs.

Graecie just looked at them confused "Would you guys like some coffee?" Asked Graecie "OWEN DOESN'T ENCOURGE UNDERAGE DRINKING JUST SO YOUR AWARE!" Yelled Rasbi from upstairs.

"What does Owen have to do with this I just asked if they wanted coffee?" Asked Graecie Mowhee looked at her and chuckled confused as to how she hasn't figured it out yet.

"What Mowhee?" Asked Graecie "Look grace I would tell you but I don't want da- I mean Owen to take away my knife again I like having it" said Mowhee.

There was a knock at the door as Graecie opened it to see Owen "Oh hey Owen these guys are confusing" Said Graecie "Owen I think Graecies an idiot" said Mowhee Owen looked at him and extended his hand he gave Owen his knife.

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