Magic tries to annoy Owen but it backfires

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Magic casually just walked up to Owen who was just sitting. "Owen don't you think it's weird how-" began Magic. Owen stared at her "How you mathematically choose to annoy me out of any number of people in this glassering clearing?" Asked Owen "What?" Asked Magic "Get it cause the sky's a big window glassering?" Asked Owen.

"That's a horrible pun you know" said Magic "Yeah well it's punishment for the breach of rank that is going into my house to annoy me" said Owen. Magic stared at him "what?" Asked Magic "Uhhh boundaries?" Asked Owen.

"Anyways if you don't mind I have a maze to keep gate" said Owen "Ok there's no way you can make that one make sense!" Called Magic "Your right I can't that's why I'm leaving!" Said Owen as he continued walking away.

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