Runaway Part one

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Owen sat in a bar and sighed as he let the tears fall down his face, the fight he knew deep down that no had meant the things they said but oh well.

What if they meant the things they said? What if he really wasn't someone worth anyone's time? He sighed as he pulled up his hood and spoke "Can I have some apple juice please?" Asked Owen.

The bartender stared at him confused for a moment before nodding and sliding over a juice box of apple juice. "Thank you" Owen thanked handing the man $7.99.

"No problem come again" and with that Owen was left alone he sighed as he let the memories from 2 hours ago fill his head.

Graecie and Magic were playing manoply Ori simply sat to the side he would glance at Owen every so often.

Owen was suspicious of Ori and pulled him aside to ask about it that's when the screaming started first it was Ori screaming at him.

Owen knew if it didn't stop his brain would go in to fight or flight so he walked away but then Graecie started screaming at him causing him to sigh.

"Tsk Typical" stated Owen as he put his hand into his pocket "Gracie Ori Magic please run!" Owen screamed in his mind but he wasn't control of his body at that point.

The rage had taken over and he had a knife standing over Graecie about to stab her, he wouldn't say anything all that was left was a shadow, a shadow filled with bloodlust.

Mowhee Squidney and some other people came in but it didn't matter Rage, that's what Owen called this state would soon notice them and they would all be goners Rage wouldn't let it trace back to him somehow everyhow nobody knows.

But Owen regained consciousness with a knife to Graecies neck and he pulled it away from her with everyone looking at him confused.

That's when people started saying really mean things where in one sense it was deserved in another sense it shattered him but that didn't matter.

Owen ran he didn't know where he was going he just ran and he ended up at the bar.

Owen got up and sighed he knew it would be best if he just ran away into the woods we're everyone was forbidden to go to. Demons human angels anything! He would be safe from hurting another person.

He would finally be free...

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