Sometime before the maze 2/?

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Both Owen and Magic where in the war together. Both cold hearted killing Machines that had a soft spot for each-other as in the younger considered the elder there father.

Magic had longed for peace but Owen didn't know what he longed for but that didn't matter when the raid on the district they where attacking came up.

Owen stayed in front of the group and Magic stayed behind him nervous this would be her first unrecon mission.

They had made it within hearing distance and The demons saw them Owen smirked "HEY THERE DEMONS ITS YOUR BOII!" Shouted Owen with a wave.

All hell had broken loss on the battle field Magic couldn't see but she felt an arrow land on her shoulder she turned around to see a human shoulder they where aiming at Owen next as he was fending off the demons.

They shoot the arrow "OWEN NOOOO!" Screamed Magic somehow managing to get in front of the arrow causing her to fall down Owen turned back and ran to her.

"....You" was All Owen said to traitor as he charged at them then it all faded to black he could then see again as he was about to kill Magic "NO STOP!" He screamed as his body seemingly obeyed then everything faded to black.

Everyone looked at Owen as he slowly woke up "Ummm hello there?" He said confused "You tried to kill Magic you spit out all this nonsense like your talking to yourself you pass out and your first words are hello there like come on man!" Said Krow as it sighed.

"In his defence he was just blinded by rage for what I can't say but I can tell you that much" Magic said stepping in. "Besides it's not the first time his saved me that way is it Dad?" Asked Magic "Ahhh great were gonna have a lot of explaining to do DIDN'T I TELL YOU BOTH TO NOT GO IN THERE Well obviously we didn't listen" Owen rambled on

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