Another reaction shot

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Yeah I'm probably gonna give up on this but oh well that doesn't matter rn.

Owen sighed as he got up and went to the campfire where everybody else was.

"Look who finally joined us for dinner" said Mowhee sighing "...No one told me about having to stay more then 5 minutes that implies I do" said Owen.

"I lied" said Magic shrugging as Owen stared at her before sighing "ok then" said Owen as Oeca laughed. "Good to see you again old man" said Rasbi waving.

Krow and Kyle sat glaring at eachother while krow was talking to Anyel and Kyle to Acho.

Graecie and Ori where cooking Mowhee was standing off to a tree with Oeca sitting against it.

Guts was sitting down closer to the fire, Soup was making potions underneath a different tree.

Squidney and Spidey where chatting to each other casually as Eryn stood to the side of them. 

Apo and Red were just sitting down together feeling the way it felt to be back in the clearing all because Owen dragged them out two days prior.

Owen made a fenced off area and let puddy in it. "Puddy" said Magic going into the fenced area "well that's one way to react to an old man having a pig" said Anyel.

Owen stood next to the pen he built with Magic in it and Rasbi came over making conversation.

"Oh hey I've been meaning to ask" said Ori causing some people to turn to him "why does Owen act like a dad for a lot of people?" Asked Ori causing people to chuckle.

"What are you talking about no I don't" said Owen as everyone stared at him confused and someone clearing there throat caused them to look and see a watcher.

"You all seem to be having a good time that's illegal you shall now watch Owen's past" said the watcher causing a screen to fall down and teleported them all to be sitting in some cinema even puddy.


Everyone stared at the screen as it lit up.


"The chase?" Asked Magic confused "Kid I think that's just the tittle don't read into it" said Owen.

A child Owen stood starring around at his house around him until he noticed a note "oh great, fathers home" he muttered as he grabbed his arrows and went out to the backyard.

"What do you mean oh great he didn't hurt you did he?" Asked Graecie "Oh it was so much worse" the group heard the watchers voice "you'll see".

Child Owen came outside to see his father "your a minute late!" His father said annoyed as he slapped child Owen "now focus don't hold your breath and realise" his father ordered.

"He slapped you! Lemme at him!" Screamed Mowhee pulling out a battle axe. "Let us at him" corrected Magic pulling out a gun "Jesus guys relax it wasn't that bad" said Owen causing everyone to stare at him for a brief second "I don't think you know what it was" said Soup.

Child Owen hit a bullseye after bullseye after bullseye after bullseye after bullseye. Eventually he looked tired enough his father decided it was enough training and he could do whatever the hell it was he did.

"Owen that's not ok" said Soup "What your father did" "I know but I was used to it by this point" said Owen sighing.

"Your great with that bow though" said Graecie "thanks" said Owen shrugging.

Child Owen had gone into the forest he was running he didn't know where all he had known was he had gotten lost. "The wolves are going to come then, I suppose bring it" Muttered Child Owen as he continued walking.

"Is that where the sign that said go and see the wolves came from?" Asked Mowhee before Owen nodded of confirmation "yes yes it is" said Owen.

Child Owen stood ready but he heard a rustling in the leaves and another child came out of it one that looked servely younger then him and hurt.

"That's a demon! His gonna kill'em isn't he?" Asked Rasbi confused Owen stared at her "Oh come on that was one time and I was aiming for my father it's not my fault the demon jumped in front of the arrow!" Said Owen causing the others to look at him briefly.

Owen stood shocked for a second as the child looked up and went to scream "no shh" he ordered as softly as he could.

"Why are you so nice to them?" Asked Guts confused "you've never met'em before" said Guts explaining there confusion at Owen's weird glance.

"I don't remember" said Owen as guts sighed "of course" said Guts rolling there eyes.

He looked around before picking up kenaf and threading it into silk and making a kenaf bandage and putting it on the child's leg.

"Oh hey that's the same bandage I was forced to wear by him for five months!" Said Magic causing everyone to look at her confused "it was eight actually" said Owen causing Magic to chuckle.

"What's your name?" Asked Child Owen "R-Rasbi" said Child Rasbi "that's a nice name, I'm Owen" said Child Owen as he noticed her horns.

"We met before the maze?" Asked Rasbi in shock "Ap-parent-tly" said Owen.

He looked over her head to here the screams of a human on the hunt. "Quickly follow me" Child Owen ordered as he led Child Rasbi into a cave.

"Are you sure going down there is the best idea?" Asked Child Rasbi "You Wanna get caught by the demon Hunter? No? Well then we gotta get moving" said Owen as the two slowly walked down into the dark cave.

A third child came out of the shadows and hushed the two down into another pathway. "Who're you?" Asked Child Rasbi "Doesn't matter all you need to know until we get to my hideout is I'm helping you" said the third child.

The group had watched the extenage in silence "I'm betting that's Apo!" Said Krow throwing some popcorn into its mouth.

The third child pulled them threw a tunnel as they stopped running in some kind of luckure.

And just as I get to the end of the chapter is when I lose motivation for it? Damn

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