Night At The Campfire

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Hello due to some sences in this chapter I would like to make it clear I see Magic and Owen either as siblings or as father and daughter anyways please enjoy the chapter (:

Magic couldn't sleep she didn't know why she just wandered around until finding the campfire she decided to sit down and relax in the warmth.

Footsteps where heard they where fast and someone rushed past her this confused her at first until she realised it was just one of those non-existent things she saw.

She really didn't know how to explain them she just was scared by them and a lot of other things.


Owen walked calmly toward where Magic was he accidentally stepped on a twig, he could of sworn he saw her jump a little at the noise.

Owen stayed quite simply sitting beside her he was one of the only people that knew she would see things, she didn't have a good sleep schedule and he suspected that be why.

He calmly held her hand in his Magic responded by squeezing it  "It's ok there not real they can't hurt you magic" he said in the most comforting tone he could muster.


Magic responded again by squeezing it she knew it was Owen and that it was safe but her mind didn't seem to trust him.

She wanted to speak with him or at least to hear his voice but she didn't know how to signal it.

"Magic it's ok I won't hurt you.....I won't let anyone hurt you" said Owen this seemed to make her mind trust him.

"I know" said Magic a small smile eventually making a way on her lips. She rested her head on his shoulder, "Could you sing to help me sleep?" Asked Magic threw tears she wasn't all to sure why she was suddenly sad."sure, I mean I'm not very good but I can try" said Owen "ok" Magic said.

Owen didn't consider himself great at singing but he was going to try for Magic.

"Ooh I was swept up in a wave"
Owen wrapped his arm around Magic's shoulder.
"Swept up In a wave"
Owen ruffled her hair.
"Ohh then I heard you say my name"
Magic squeezed Owens other hand again
Owen continued to ruffle the younger's hair
"Lost I was lost I was"
Magic squeezed Owens hand to insure that it was really him his smile dropped a bit.
"Lost till you loved me"
Owen continued to sing and Magic sat silently the elder (Owen) ruffling the youngers hair (Magic).
"Now I'm found now I'm"
The two felt at peace for the first time in a long time
"Found now I'm found"
Owen's smile returned
"Yeah You took me to a place"
Magic flinched Slighty as a tall creature walked pass.
"It was safe it was sound"
Owen reassured her that it was safe by squeezing her hand.
"Lost I was lost I was lost"
Owen then leant his head on hers.
'Till you loved me"
Together they drifted into sleep.


Owen woke up to see the other outsiders just staring at him and Magic however he kept quite as to not wake the younger.

He slowly shifted his weight to be able to stand up without disturbing her but she stirred in her sleep so he quickly sat still.

"You two have been sleeping for 3 days I think it's fine if you wake her" said Krow Owen shook his head and somehow managed to throw a shoe at his head "That's because your dumb" muttered Owen as Krow sighed.

Owen eventually managed to get out of the embrace the two shared causing Magic to shiver, Owen quickly picked Magic up and started walking to where Magic's house was.

Eventually Graecie managed to get him to go to his house with Magic so he placed her on his bed "Is she gonna be ok?" Asked Graecie "It's fine Grace, I know you know about them to don't bother hiding it when there's no one else around" said Owen.


That was 5 weeks ago.

Owen now sat online staring at Magic all he wanted was for her to wake up.

Owen ran his hands threw her hair "Please Magic Please" He said sighing at the younger they had to wake up right?

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