Telling greacie about the hug because since when did magic listen?

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That is the clip that caused this besides THERES NEVER ENOUGH OWEN AND MAGIC CONTENT, Ok that's probably a Lie but I'm writing this anyway
—Faded the sideways Kit Kat enjoyer.

Magic chuckled as she ran off to find Graecie (the whole Oeca thing didn't happen here.) "Graecie" Magic said walking into her house to see she was alone because she knew if she was running Owen would somehow find her and lecture her not about telling anyone but running with an injured leg hell he wouldn't even let her go down a meter there always had to be slabs.

"What's up Magic?" Asked Graecie "Owen hugged me" was All Magic said "I thought he didn't like hugs" said Graecie Magic nodded "that's why I wanted to tell somebody" explained Magic.

"Well I mean you are technically his child well you at least act like it" said Graecie chuckling "Why hasn't he hugged me before though I'm literal biologically related to him" said Graecie with a sigh.

"Well to be far, sure I care about you but you weren't there when I was growing up! You were off on your little fansaty adventures to get away from dad! You know what that caused? ME TO ENDURE BOTH MINE AND YOUR TRAINING, So yeah forgive me for not wanting to hug the person the other half considereds it's hatred to be faults incase it stabs you!" Exclaimed Owen popping up from nowhere.

"What the hell?" Asked Graecie "Welp anyways gotta go" said Owen stealing some strange purple book. "I never knew that's what happened" said Graecie a lost for words...

Fluff turned angst ayyy?
—Faded the sideways Kit Kat enjoyer

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