Trapped in the wall

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Chapter summary:

"I have your friend meet me at the tallest peak come night fall p.s coming alone is not adviced gather your bearings and prepare to fight signed Beckymon"

Magic was trapped she didn't exactly remember how it happened mostly remembering Bek placing something and running off.Bek she trapped her in here. Well it's not like figuring it out would help her much she was after all trapped inside a small hole in the wall.Nobody could hear her cries according to the book she figured she would write down her experience in here like the person before her though.


Owen sighed it had been a long day of mapping out the maze. "Owennnn" Called Graecie. Ahh great what did I do this time? Owen Thought to himself .He quickly sped walked over to Graecie who just looked at him "Owen you look worse then Mowhee did returning from the maze what happened?" Asked Graecie."I brought soup with me for a bit and that turned out to be not what one calls a great idea" said Owen Graecie shook her head "and I don't mean the person I mean literal soup" said Owen .

"Yeah well anyways Bek said she wanted to talk to you when you got back said she would be waiting in your house with puddy whoever that is" said Graecie Owen sighed and nodded.


"Hour 3 Day 17

So far I still have plenty of food and water however I don't know how long my luck will continue.

I'm not sure why I've been trapped here but whatever reasons for that traitors actions are not important.

What is important is survival
What is important is finding a way out
What is important is the way out of this mess.

I remember the sent of puddy feeding that pig carrots to mess with Owen was indeed fun but I don't think Owen liked it so I wouldn't be surprised if he found me in here and just left me.

Graecie probably is to annoyed of how much stress I put on her and Owen to come looking for me I really don't know.

I just want to see my friends again is that so much to ask?


Yeah that should be good I reckon" said Magic with a sigh "now then back to the task at hand" she added looking around the small area for anything that could possibly help her.


Owen entered his house to find just puddy and a note on the ground puddys oink sounded distressed.

"What's wrong? Wait where's bek?" Asked Owen as he noticed the note and picked it up.

"I have your friend meet me at the tallest peak come night fall p.s coming alone is not adviced gather your bearings and prepare to fight signed Beckymon"
Owen read out loud and looked down at puddy.

"Ahh I knew we shouldn't of trusted her" said Owen sighing rubbing the back of his head. She's going to pay and I'm sure she knows it.


Magic sighed and looked out the whole making her self as comfortable as she could she was after all in a death hole.

"Magiccccccc I've come to visit" rang the all mocking voice. Bel appeared in the clearing of the whole Magic sighed as she looked up.

"You need food I just remembered you haven't eaten in a day it'd be a pretty stupid grand reveal if you were dead so here's your supply drop off" said Bek throwing her two bags full of supplies. "Tha...thank you" Magic barely managed.

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