Getting Babysat by a wreckless idiot with attachments

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Owen sat calmly on top a tree as rasbi ran toward him until she got into speaking distance. "Owen could I ask a favour?" She asked Owen looked at her and shrugged "yeah sure what's up?" Asked Owen.

"Could you babysit Apo Oeca and Mowhee please" asked Rasbi sighing "Yeah sure send'em over when it's time it should all be good" said Owen chuckling at the more engertic of the two.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LATER WHEN THEY ARE IN OWENS CARE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey owen what's this?" Asked Mowhee picking up a yellow object "Mowhee give that back" said Owen sighing "What is it?" Asked Oeca as Mowhee showed him.

Apo looked at it from where he sat sighing "I'm gonna go in the maze with Owens thing" said Oeca in a sing song voice as he snatched it and hurried towards the maze so did owen.

"Oeca give it backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" complained Owen as he chased after him "i don't even know what it is" said Oeca as they arrived at the gate and Owen simply sat in front of it not letting them entire.

"Give me it back Oeca" said Owen sighing "or What?" Asked Oeca rolling his eyes Owen looked at him and pulled out a spike "I'll break your legs" said Owen as he extended his hand.

"Rasbi'll hate you if you do that Owen" said Apo "" Asked Owen as he looked towards the maze "we've been here to long for me to care what anyone thinks" said Owen as he chuckled.

"Owen are you ok?" Asked Mowhee "We've been here so long it's a surprise people haven't been driven into madness oh wait THEY FUCKING HAVE and you know what the cause is THE FUCKING MAZE. there are reasons for my actions And that yellow thing whilst not important to anyone else is important to me" said Owen as he suddenly collapsed most people heard screaming and came rushing towards him the last thing he heard was

"HOLY SHIT IS HE OK?" probably from Reddons he definitely didn't know.


Owen felt himself a send from his body. He was next to magic "hey Owen in case we don't make it back from our journey to the second clearing I got you a gift" said Magic.

"Alright but I promise you magic you'll make it back I believe in you and bek" said Owen she nodded as she handed him a box. A yellow box to be exact.

Owen pocketed it as he Bek and Magic all went on there journey to the second clearing for whatever it is bek and Magic wanted to do.

"Magic just ran off" Bek said Owen nodded "I can't just leave her here!" Exclaimed Owen as he went to go back but bek dragged him the whole way.

Sitting outside the gate with Graecie he opened the box to see a few items and a note "what does it say owen?" Asked Graecie.
"Thank you for everything dad, she thought of me as her dad?" Asked Owen confused.

"You didn't know?" Asked Graecie "I'm going back there tomorrow" exclaimed Owen "well I'm coming with you" said Graecie "Alright then get ready" said Owen.

Both Owen and Graecie rushed into the second clearing once they made it there they headed to Beks stage to start looking there and they spotted Magic.

Owen rushed up to the remains that Magic was left tied up in "Da-dad?" Asked Magic shocked Owen cut the ropes trapping her "Bek she's a murderer SHES THE ONE THAT KILLED ALL OF THEM!" Exclaimed Magic.

"Owen we need to go" said Graecie Owen nodded "Magic can you run?" Asked Owen "Yeah I should be good" said Magic Owen nodded as the three sprant back to the clearing it was nearly sunset when they got back they saw a magic show.

"STOP SHE'S A KILLER!" Screamed Magic Bek looked at her and threw a potion as her and Apo appeared in the maze

"Apo?" Asked Owen "I have no idea how I got here can I go back in the cell?" Asked Apo "your not going back in the cell it wasn't you that killed them" said Graecie everyone looked confused as Apo sprinted back into the clearing.


Owen felt himself wake up to the stares of Rasbi, Apo, Mowhee, Oeca, Graecie, Ori, Magic, Reddons and Anyel.

"What the hell owen?" Asked Anyel Reddons looked at him and sighed "You need to start worrying about your health more" said Graecie "Yeah owen we thought you actually died that time" said Mowhee "I'm confused has this happened before?" Asked Anyel "Yes a lot actually because mr wreck less over here refuses to sleep unless he passes out it's been 5 days!" Exclaimed Oeca. Ori simply shook his head at Owen "sleep more please" said Ori "Dad what the hell is wrong with you?" Asked Magic "wait Owens your dad?" Asked Almost everyone there Owen Magic Rasbi and Graecie all gave a light chuckle at the others confusions.

"I would say I promise to sleep more but as we all know at this point that would just be a plain lie" said Owen sighing they all looked at him "then we'll just have to find a way to make you sleep more" said Mowhee "Believe me Mowhee I wish that where possible" said Owen.

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