Fun fact

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THE REUNION DIDN'T HAPPEN YOU CAN'T PROVE IT YOU CANT PROVE IT I know there's pretty much no way it could be but I'm just gonna hope this is a side effect of the time it got stung ||(such in such pulling a gally)|| I mean cause in the film ||Thomas gets his memories back by passing out and know one knows what happened drawing the time skip over then the cell|| so it would make sense for this to do with the sting Or it could just be a really late side effect, late for what reason no idea No because the sting ||Causes people to become violent|| but then again I don't agree with his actions but there is always a cause I'm just gonna ignore that stream ever happened it doesn't exist you can't prove it (even though you can). Hopefully Owen comes to his senses and doesn't ||Scream about everybody belonging to the maze|| Hopefully YOU HAVE NO PROOF! anyways now for a very short one shot. (And yes I know this rant is dumb for me to just go about write about it)

"Fun fact 1 or fun fact 2 Apo?" Asked Oeca Apo looked him "3" he said remorsing the fruit trio.

"Owen didn't do that on purpose it was blind rage" said Ash with a sigh "He, had been stung awhile ago but I managed to store away the rage up until now" said Ash sighing.

"...I knew it wasn't him" Apo said victoriously they then all looked down to see if anything was happening and to there suprise.

"What the hell owen!?" Screamed Magic as she and Ori walked towards him he grinned uncontrollably as he stabbed himself in the chest with the pike.

"OWEN!!!!!!!" Magic screamed in shock not caring about Apos dead body she couldn't see she and Ori got Owens dead body into the clearing and spotted Apos they did the same thing.

"Apo..." said Owen appearing where they were "I'm sorry" was all he said as he went to wander off "it's fine Owen you need to wake up they need you more then they need you!" Said Apo.

"No they don't! What am I? ALL I AM IS A KILLER!" Exclaimed Owen Ash walked up to him "it's fine Owen it was the effect of being stung, Magic Graecie and Rasbi need you anyone you consider your friend they need you" said Ash.

"Well I won't leave without Apo" said Owen "Very well Apo you may go with Owen now back to the maze you go" said Ash throwing a potion at them.

The two woke up shocking anyone who was grieving them Owen admittly got up and ran toward the maze he heard them calling for him but he stopped outside the maze.

"I'm sorry"

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