War of the watchers (discontinued)

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Most outsiders stopped in there tracks as they started hearing someone in a sing song voice.

"It would appear that everything's going all according to plan!

The gladers should fear me, why get in my way when it'll end up with a chopped off head?

He once said there might be a collaration but your not the causation and that's true.

I've caused it all from beyond the shadows it wasn't your fault but mine and it was certainly your hearts on the line~

I don't feel messed up like I probably should, trust me it's only just begun (begun)

It wasn't our hearts but yours that were ever the line, say goodbye to your friendships say goodbye to your allies.

We are the watchers and we declare this war on the one you call Owen and his alter ego Oran" sang the voice the outsiders heard everyone but Owen/Oran was there for a meeting.

"What's going on?" Asked Magic in a panic nobody else seemed to know what the voice was talking about and they all heard Owen exit his house.

"Well this is ironic" Muttered Owen "Yeah yeah don't get used to it until I kill every last watcher then I'll kill all your friends" said Oran "Yeah I'm sure you'll be able to beat me that time" said Owen "well what about Apo?" Asked Oran "Tf happened to Apo?" Asked Owen "oh right you were knocked out" said Oran.

Everyone looked at him confused "wait the voice said Owen had an alter ego that could be why his talking to himself" guessed Soup "Bingo I like that one there smart" said Oran "There all smart you just don't know anyone besides the few you tried to kill with lava!" Snapped Owen.

"Ehhh whatever I'm Oran and I'm in your friends body deal with it" said Oran and Owen sighed "....well your going to war so is there like a way we can support you?" Asked Soup confused.

"By staying safe hidden somewhere under ground so he can focus" snapped Oran "Move it"

Most of the outsiders reluctantly agreed but Magic Ori Rasbi Graecie Bekyamon Guts Spidey and Anyel all stayed "we'll help you fight you don't really have a choice" said Ori the others nodded Owen sighed.

"Oh come on Owen give'em a chance" said Oran "Fine, but the second one of you get hurt, you are going to run and hide together understood?" Asked Owen sternly the group with him nodded.


Oh hey yet another one shot I lost motivation for...

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