Ninjago au v1|Duty

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Sensei Guts
Bekymon is Pixal
Ori master of fire
Squidney master of water
Mowhee master of lightening
Oeca master of earth
Magic Master of Ice
Owen master of engery or whatever the hell it is seriously what is Lloyds power?


Magic stood starring at Owen who was shooting engery pulses at targets and then pressing the button to bring them back up this same process had been happening for almost 48 hours for this session.

"Owen you need sleep" said Magic as she sighed about to leave to get them both breakfast "no I don't I need to get stronger" said Owen Magic sighed as she walked off.

Guts and the others stood outside "no luck I'm getting him breakfast" said Magic walking off Guts sighed "why is he like this all of a sudden?" Asked Ori shooting some fire at there fireplace to light it.

"I don't know why Owen is so stressed I'm going to go meditate on it" said Guts as they walked off toward there room.

Magic walked back with a platter for Owen "let's all go in there at least show him support or something" said Magic shrugging Ori nodded.

The group all entered the training dojo to see Owen create a burst of Energy containing Ice fire and Earth lightening and his own. The group stared at him with shock.

"Hey pal mind backing away from the flames that's kinda my thing" said Ori causing Owen to chuckle "sorry I didn't even know I could still do that" said Owen about to press the button to bring the targets back up.

"Look Owen I know we can't stop you for this but you are eating this breakfast I made you and that is final" said Magic glaring at him he nodded as he took the sandwich and took a bite from it when an emergency alarm went off.

"Come on we just got Owen to eat something" said Magic complaining as the ninja rushed outside to see guts. "Sensei what's the alarm about?" Asked Owen finishing his sandwich.

"It appears some unwanted pests have made there return, Remember the stone army well there's a large group of them back and there terrorising outsider (ninjago) city" said Guts Owen nodded.

"Alright well then what are we waiting for let's go" said Owen ready to leave. "Wait!" Called Bek everyone turned to her confused "I have been building you all vehicles" said Bek everyone nodded.

"Mowhee this ones yours" said Bek pressing a button on a remote causing a jet like vehicle to land behind her "sick!" Said Mowhee hopping into it "I'll see you guys at the city!" Said Mowhee flying off "he doesn't know how to fly that does he?" Asked Bek Guts sighed "no he does not".

"Oeca for you" said Bek pressing another button causing a vehicle with a drill to come up (ya know if you know) "AWESOME!" Oeca screamed hopping into it and driving off.

"For the siblings Ori and Squidney I've got you these" said Bek with a soft smile as two vehicles drove up (which I don't know how to explain so photo)

"For the siblings Ori and Squidney I've got you these" said Bek with a soft smile as two vehicles drove up (which I don't know how to explain so photo)

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