Parent teacher confrence

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Owen sighed as Magic Rasbi Mowhee and Oeca dragged him threw there school to where the parent teacher conference would be.

Owen remained quite as his children chatted with eachother and they stood outside the door after seeing the previous family leave he knocked and the teacher told him to come in.

"Hello" said Mr Eryn Lava "Hello mr lava was it?" Asked Owen confused "Yeah but please call me Eryn" said Eryn Owen nodded.

"I would like to talk to you about one of your kids interests" said Eryn Owen nodded "alright go on" said Owen sighing "Rasbi, she seems to have an obsession with knives" said Eryn Owen sighed.

"Rasbi knives are for home school is for.....uhhh.......what's the word again god I'm old.........right school is for learning not knife hobbies" Owen whispered into her ear.

"To be fair Mr Eryn told us to write a letter to him about our interests " said Rasbi Eryn pulled it out "I did but it just says knives knife dagger throwing knives blades knifes" said Eryn Owen sighed.

"Magic here does seem to be enjoying art especially when doing finger painting" said Eryn Owen nodded as he got a call on his phone he answered it seeing the number "Just threaten to break his legs he'll talk I'm at a parent teacher conference" said Owen sighing hanging up "now you said Magic was enjoying finger painting..."

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