C!Magic can't count past 25 change my mind

255 12 11

Disclaimer:this is before Owen remembers!

"Owen! Owen! Owen!" In a horrible British accent was the first thing the Brit heard opening his front door that morning. Owen sighed.

"What'dya want now sings?" Asked Owen starring at her "How many people are in the clearing again?" Asked Magic still using her fake British accent.

"27 why?" Asked Owen "No reason whatsoever wait what number is that?" Asked Magic "It's 2 up from 25" said Owen. Magic stared at him dumbfolded "THERE ARE NUMBERS HIGHER THEN 25!?!?" Screamed Magic probably so loud Apo and red heard it.


Apo sighed "THERE ARE NUMBERS HIGHER THEN 25!?" Came booming off the maze walls. "YOU DIDN'T KNOW!?!" Called another voice. Apo stared towards the clearing "Red, what the fuck there are numbers higher then 17?" Asked Apo Red just stared at him. "I'm not dealing with this shit good night!" Called Red going to bed.

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