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Idk and I'm bored so here
Owen sat alone by himself against the maze doors his stomach twitched. He had pushed Magic threw saving her, at least one of them would get back from his stupid trip into the maze, all the same Apo & Red were dead.

What was he thinking? That didn't matter right now he had gotten Magic out but now he needed to worry about survival.

He could hear her sobs from the other side he wanted to speak but he wasn't strong enough he remembered how Mowhee said the creature couldn't climb.

He doubted that he thought it probably just didn't climb the hole way up because it knew that that would be pointless that was Owen's theory on the creature anyway did it really matter if he was right or wrong? No.

He didn't move from the entrance and he waited and he waited preying for his world not to fall.

But when the first crack of dawn had arrived and the outsiders came out to check all that was left was a trail of blood and a message.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you well enough Magic" was all the words read people streamed into tears he was gone and they knew it they watched the maze close off.

You've learned enough everything changes now

The same message from the first time the maze closed was placed and everybody knew it wasn't going to open up again for a very very Long time.

3 years later:

It had been 3 years there was no hope of getting out but that fateful day a siren went off and they all rushed to the maze door.

There he stood like nothing had ever happened it was Owen but he wasn't alone. Mowhee and Eryn stood with him two

They where back from the maze and they had a plan to get out.

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