Owen teaching magic how to shoot a bow

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Credit to that one song on TikTok which origin I do not know
—Faded the sideways kit Kat enjoyer

"Alright Magic ready for today's lesson?" Asked Owen chuckling at the eager child running around "I'll try not to hold you back" she responded Owen nodded. "Sounds good to me" Owen replied as the two went outside where Graecie and Ori where watching Owen teach for whatever reason.

"Steady form" said Owen looking at Magic who held the bow point down.

"No hold the bow up" he continued staring at her he wasn't judging he was simply making sure she would be safe.

"Keep your balance!" Owen went on Ori was watching judging Owen intently or at least that's what Owen thought he was doing.

"Shift your weight!" Owen continued whatever Ori and Graecie where doing he focused make on Magic.

"Hold your focus on the arrows and!" He continued as he watched her get ready to aim supporting her the best he could.

"Shoot!" Magic said shooting and accidentally falling backwards after release.

"Careful!" Owen lectured catching her and helping her back onto the wooden slab.

"Sorry" Responded Magic sadly he ruffled her hair to try and reassure her.

"It's fine" he said feeling Oris gaze on him again before putting his feet together.

"Keep your feet just like mine" Owen went on and Magic did as instructed.

"And then we shoot till there's no one left!" Said Magic shooting the bow like a maniac causing Owen to sigh.

"Magic, Magic baby steps!" Ordered Owen causing the fire to cease and Graecie to chuckle

"We go simple and safe!" Said Owen Magic nodded.

"Simple and safe?" She asked causing Owen to nod.

"The art of the bow" Owen followed up Graecie smiled at Magic weather or not she saw it was a question for another time.

"Everybody stand back!" Magic said causing everyone but Owen to take a step back as she shot the arrows again nearly hitting Owen.

"Alright watch it you little pro maniac!" Exclaimed Owen sighing before continuing.

"We go simple the right way!" He continued looking at Magic with a small smile.

"Simple and safe!" She repeated Owen nodded

"The art of the bow!" The two exclaimed together Magic looked toward him taking a bite from the sandwich he had made her for lunch.

"Not bad for our 3rd lesson you feeling better yet?" He asked looking toward her with a smile.

"When do I get to use a real bow?" Magic managed to ask between mouthfuls of her sandwich Owen stared at her dead in the eyes. This caused everyone else to think he was gonna say something serious.

"When you stop shooting at my legs kiddo" he said everyone seemed to sigh a sigh of relief but owen who looked around with the : what I'm right? Look he had.

"Now come on let's get back to work!" Said Owen once Magic had finished her sandwich with a smile.

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